Agent Lee, who would believe you as a mother of three siblings...He's getting younger. "Visual"

Jul 10, 2024

Agent Lee, who would believe you as a mother of three siblings...He's getting younger. 'Visual'

Agent Lee, who would believe you as a mother of three siblings...He's getting younger. 'Visual'
Agent Lee, who would believe you as a mother of three siblings...He's getting younger. 'Visual'
ActorWon showed off her beauty while looking young.

Agent Lee posted a picture on the 10th, saying, `Hae Young-man's Baekban Travel.'

Agent Lee's innocent visuals in the picture attract attention. This is the scene of filming the recently appeared TV Chosun 'Hae Young-man's Baekban Travel'.

Agent Lee shows off her clear features even with light makeup. By matching a sky blue shirt here, Agent Lee's innocence stood out. In addition, Lee's bright smile during the shooting made it impossible to estimate his age.

Agent Lee, who would believe you as a mother of three siblings...He's getting younger. 'Visual'
Agent Lee married Park Jin-woo, a former golfer-turned-businessman, in 2003 when he was 23 years old and currently has one son and two daughters.

Agent Lee said on the broadcast on the 7th, "I think it's a timing to get married early. I have lingering feelings about the direction I don't go, but I don't dwell too much on it, and I try to live happily and hard every day."

He then asked "Isn't he the most popular then?"I really hate it when the groom says this. When people around me ask me that question, they tell me to pass it."