Ahn Jae-wook "It's been half a year since I left 父. I can feel the empty spot at my parents' house." Eat ('Dad is a middle-aged man')

Jul 04, 2024

Ahn Jae-wook 'It's been half a year since I left 父. I can feel the empty spot at my parents' house.' Eat ('Dad is a middle-aged man')
Ahn Jae-wook of "Daddy's Flower Middle School" visits the "Yangpyeong Main House" with Su-hyun and Do-hyun siblings for the first time in a long time, but when he sees the appearance of the main house turned into a "weedsfield", he falls into a "mental breakdown".

In the 11th episode of Channel A 'Daddy's Flower Middle-aged', which airs at 9:30 p.m. on the 4th (today), 54-year-old father Ahn Jae-wook is drawn to memories with his 9-year-old daughter Su-hyun and 4-year-old son Do-hyun toward his parents' home in Yangpyeong.

Ahn Jae-wook, who visited the main house with his children for the first time in a long time, is unable to speak as soon as he opens the gate with excitement, after checking the yard of the main house occupied by weeds. It was where Ahn Jae-wook's parents lived for 10 years, but he remained vacant after his father passed away in November last year. Ahn Jae-wook reveals his feelings of indifference, saying, "It's a house where I've spent a lot of love, but I didn't know it would be this bad because it's the first time I've been away from the house for a long time."

Second, Ahn Jae-wook, who can't help but laugh while looking at the weeds that have grown as tall as Do-hyun, soon takes out a sickle from the warehouse and starts removing weeds. Ahn Jae-wook, who was sweating profusely, sighs "Hu~" in a situation where he works hard but has no choice on his own. On the other hand, Soo-hyun ran around the forest for a long time and looked at the flowers from the weeds and said, "Wow, they're so pretty~" He smiles broadly. He also keeps blowing dandelion puffs seeds "Huh~" next to his sighing father, giving him a sad smile with a clear temperature difference.

When the weed removal speed did not increase despite the struggle to get better, Ahn Jae-wook calls 'Weeding Expert' to play SOS. However, a weeding expert who visited Ahn Jae-wook's house said, `My acquaintance raises goats nearby, and if you release them, you can quickly remove weeds"Suddenly, the goat enters. "What kind of grass-eating sound is this?In the reaction of ", the goats put in as part-timers begin to remove the grass at breakneck speed. At the appearance of the goat, Ahn Jae-wook was puzzled, saying, "Shouldn't we give labor costs to the goat?" while his second son Do-hyun said, "I want to raise a goat." is repeated to make a "Great Environmental Recreation".

In addition to the results of the weeding work of the goat part-timer, the heartbreaking episode of Ahn Jae-wook, who missed his father, who died facing the empty house, can be found on the 11th episode of Channel A'Daddy's Flower Middle-aged', which airs at 9:30 p.m. on the 4th (today).
