Jang Ki-yong "Is Byun Woo-seok popular? I feel good as if I did well" (Fairy Jaehyung)

Jul 14, 2024

Jang Ki-yong 'Is Byun Woo-seok popular? I feel good as if I did well' (Fairy Jaehyung)
Jang Ki-yong 'Is Byun Woo-seok popular? I feel good as if I did well' (Fairy Jaehyung)
Jang Ki-yong 'Is Byun Woo-seok popular? I feel good as if I did well' (Fairy Jaehyung)
Jang Ki-yong 'Is Byun Woo-seok popular? I feel good as if I did well' (Fairy Jaehyung)
Actor Jang Ki-yong rejoiced over the popularity of his best friend Byun Woo-seok.

On the 14th, on the YouTube channel 'Fairy Jae-hyung', I was going to talk about it behind my back, but what's wrong with you guys...A video titled ' has been updated.

In the video, actors Chun Woo-hee and Jang Ki-yong appeared as guests and talked with Jung Jae-hyung.

Jung Jae-hyung asked Jang Ki-yong "You said you were friends with a friend named Byun Woo-seok, and Jang Ki-yong "I started modeling with Woo-suk." It's almost the same. I think you'll be a year earlier than me" he said.

Jung Jae-hyun asked "But it went well with 'Wonjae on his back', and Jang Ki-yong "It went so well." When the older brothers who had a hard time with me do well, I feel really good as if I'm doing well.

Jung Jae-hyung is not a hero, but there was also an issue. What we can continue to see because of the favorable reviews."

Jang Ki-yong is "Yes. "I think it's here now because it was a favorable comment." and Jung Jae-hyung laughed, saying, "Usually, we rarely meet like this after a drama is over."

Meanwhile 'Not a Hero' recently ended as a fantasy romance drama about a man with extraordinary abilities but who no one could save, finally rescuing her from fate.
