Joo Hyun-young and Choi Hwa-jung will be replaced'Choi Fatah's follow-up 'Joo Hyun Young at 12:00' DJ

Jul 25, 2024

Joo Hyun-young and Choi Hwa-jung will be replaced'Choi Fatah's follow-up 'Joo Hyun Young at 1200' DJ

Joo Hyun-young, who emerged as the 'best entertainment icon' and the 'Trusted Actor', will become the new program DJ of SBS Power FM with her unrivaled charm.

SBS Power FM (107.7 MHz) announced that it will establish a new program '12:00 Joo Hyun-young' as a follow-up program to 'Choi Hwa-jung's Power Time'. Joo Hyun-young made her name known by showing outstanding entertainment skills in the web entertainment show 『SNL Korea" in 2021, and she made sure of her presence as an actor through the drama 『Weird Lawyer Woo Young-woo" in 2022. Since then, he has established himself as an `all-round player' who guarantees success by working in entertainment, drama, film, and advertising.

The production team of Joo Hyun-young '12:00 p.m., which will premiere on Monday, August 5, expressed their expectations, saying, `Joo Hyun-young is the best person with a unique charm and unique personality that everyone can't help but fall in love with, and has a refreshing voice, outstanding acting skills, colorful life experiences, as well as an affinity to reach out to listeners,' adding, `He will be a beloved DJ for all ages because he has the advantage of being familiar to all generations from teenagers to middle-aged people.'

Since Joo Hyun-young has been performing life-friendly acts such as 'Joo Reporter' and 'Round Story', it is expected that 'Perfect Life-friendly DJ' will provide listeners with extraordinary sympathy and unique wit in their daily lives, and expectations are high that a perfect 'Entertainment Radio Program' will be created to deliver fresh fun with high-quality voice acting.

While Joo Hyun-young's new challenge, which has achieved good results in various fields, is drawing attention, 「12:00 p.m. Joo Hyun-young" will premiere at 12 p.m. on August 5 (Monday), which will give listeners a pleasant start to the afternoon with never-before-seen freshness.

Meanwhile, musical actor and broadcaster Kim Ho-young, who has been in charge of Power Time as a special DJ, successfully concludes her two-month journey with the enthusiastic support of existing listeners as well as many members of the public. Kim Chan-woong, CP of SBS Radio Center, said "Kim Ho-young postponed all his busy performances and broadcasting schedules and willingly led 'Power Time' only out of loyalty with Choi Hwa-jung." However, he said that he could no longer postpone his schedule, so he ended it unfortunately. I am grateful to DJ Kim Ho-young for filling 12 p.m. every day with a bright smile."

Starting with the first broadcast on August 5 (Monday), '12:00 Joo Hyun-young' will be broadcasted every day from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. You can listen to it on SBS PowerFM 107.7 MHz, and you can also check the radio you watch through the SBS Gorilla app. (