Kim Gu-ra refuses to join the military. "Don't come because your mother will come." ('Dad is a middle-aged man')

Jul 12, 2024

Kim Gu-ra refuses to join the military. 'Don't come because your mother will come.' ('Dad is a middle-aged man')
Kim Gu-ra gave laughter and emotion to the home room by taking her mother on a '3 generation trip' to make memories with her son Grei (Kim Dong-hyun), who is about to join the military.

In Channel A 'Daddy's Flower Middle-aged', 55-year-old father Kim Gu-ra recruited his 86-year-old mother Park Myung-ok after 'Samgo Choryeo' and went on a day trip to Ganghwa Island with his 27-year-old son, Grie, and showed his clunky but friendly family love, drawing enthusiastic sympathy from viewers. According to Nielsen Korea's tally, the broadcast recorded a 2.3% (paid broadcasting households nationwide) rating, and proved its overwhelming popularity and buzz by topping various portal sites 'most viewed news' as well as sweeping popular search terms.

On this day, Kim Gu-ra visited her mother Park Myung-ok's house with her 27-year-old eldest son, Grie. Mrs. Park Myung-ok showed off her correct visuals at the age of 86, and gave off the same 'Crazy Horse Fight Chemistry' with Kim Gu-ra.

While talking in the living room, Kim Gu-ra said "Donghyun is joining the army soon, and I will definitely see him off that day." Then, when he said "It's okay" again, but when his father didn't break his stubbornness "Mom decided to come, (Dad) don't come" Kim Gu-ra is "Oh, really?"'Flower Daddy' who were watching it in the studio represented Grie's inner feelings, saying, "'Dad must have wanted to be more considerate of his mother because Dong-hyun felt that he had a happy new family.'" Kim Yong-gun then said "I met my ex-wife for the first time in 24 years when my second son got married. I felt sad, so I asked how they were doing and broke up, but after a long time, my son said 'Thank you for being warm to my mother first', drawing sympathy from everyone.

Kim Gu-ra refuses to join the military. 'Don't come because your mother will come.' ('Dad is a middle-aged man')
After Jimsi, the third generation of Kim Gu-ra went to a regular naengmyeon restaurant where they had been with their family for more than 40 years, had lunch, and went on a full-fledged trip to Ganghwa Island. While traveling by car, Kim Gu-ra expressed her concern and affection for her son, who has been separated for more than a year for the first time.

Then, when the story of money came up, he confessed, "'In fact, for the past two to three years, I have provided 34 million won to 4 million won per month for my maternal grandmother's hospital and nursing expenses.'" Kim Gu-ra looked shocked at Grie's mother-in-law's story, saying, `I didn't know about this.' At the same time, he comforted his son, saying, `Dong-hyun took very good care of his maternal grandmother.' In an interview that followed shortly after, Kim Gu-ra said, "I was worried when I heard that Dong-hyun's maternal grandmother died, but instead of going to a shopping mall, Dong-hyun and I decided to pay for the funeral together." also tells the back story, which made the 'flower daddy's' eat.

After arriving at Ganghwa Island, the three cars took awkward but fun pictures together for the first time, and they also boarded a cable car to ride a luge. Here, Kim Gu-ra had a video call with her 3-year-old daughter Su-hyun and turned on the 'daughter fool' mode. While Gura X Grei and his father rode the luge excitedly, Mrs. Park Myung-ok came down first and looked at the 'four-cut photo' for a long time and was lost in thought. He then told the production team "When I think of Dong-hyun, I keep crying. How hard it must have been to be independent alone...," he said, expressing his affection. Finally, Mrs. Park Myung-ok gave her son and grandchild 'Choyeol Gift', and even before joining the military, she delivered pocket money to her grandmother and ended the family trip warmly.

Meanwhile, 'Daddy's a Flower Middle-aged' is an entertainment show about the survival of parenting of fathers who are ordered to raise children by heaven and roll all over their bodies, and airs every Thursday at 9:30 p.m.