Kim Tae-kyun "Eyebrow Tattoo "Before and After" What do you think?" A completely different comparison shot

Jul 09, 2024

Kim Tae-kyun 'Eyebrow Tattoo 'Before and After' What do you think?' A completely different comparison shot
Comedian Kim Tae-kyun revealed his eyebrow tattoo Before and After.

On the 9th, Kim Tae-kyun "How is the eyebrow tattoo after 5 years?," he posted a comparable before and after picture.

Kim Tae-kyun "Wow, I strongly recommend the teacher who's really good. That's great. I'm excited."

Unlike the blurry before, the neat and clear after-sales photos were clearly compared, drawing attention.

Meanwhile, Kim Tae-kyun is loved for his witty comments and hosting appearances on SBS PowerFM '2 Escape Cultwo Show', a representative radio longevity program.