Lee Seung-cheol ♥ Gallery Director's Wife's Foreign Affairs Master "Hollywood Actor-level Beauty"Girlang Class"

Jul 04, 2024

Lee Seung-cheol ♥ Gallery Director's Wife's Foreign Affairs Master 'Hollywood Actor-level Beauty'Girlang Class'
Lee Seung-chul showed the exemplary model of the groom, showing the dignity of the 'principal of the groom class', and Enoch went on a formal blind date for the first time since participating in the 'groom class', drawing attention from the home room.

In the 121st episode of Channel A 'Nowadays Men's Life-Groom Class ', which aired on the 3rd, Lee Seung-chul was shown supporting his wife's gallery opening ceremony after revealing his health routine. In addition, Enoch had a fateful blind date with trot singer Kang Hye-yeon under the arrangement of Shim Jin-hwa, who has a "100% matching success rate", and even exchanged phone numbers to turn on the signal 'Greenlight'. According to Nielsen Korea's tally, the broadcast not only recorded 2.8% (paid broadcasting households nationwide) but also gained explosive popularity and buzz by occupying various portal sites and SNS

Earlier, Lee Seung-cheol received a medical examination in a group with 'Girls' and 'Hormone Reversal', drawing attention. In response, he quickly told me his health routine that fits the title of the `Energy King', and the drink with 'Odi' played a part. In fact, Lee Seung-chul went into the kitchen where he took a walk with his dog early in the morning and made a healthy drink with manuka honey, cashew nuts, macadamia, ginger powder, and 'odi' in yogurt. Afterwards, he made 'Odie Smoothie' for his wife, and he also added a sweet note to show off the 'Lovely Man' aspect. Also, for my daughter, I made and set up Musubi made of handmade ham as a snack.

After finishing his morning routine, he went straight to a tailor's shop. His wife had already prepared a suit for her husband, who will attend the gallery opening ceremony scheduled for the day. Lee Seung-chul was satisfied with the suit his wife ordered, and soon sent his wife a "proof photo of wearing a suit". When the 'studio mentor corps' all envied him, Lee Seung-cheol said "If Dong-wan gets married, I'll match him with a suit over there." Kim Dong-wan said "I'll definitely get married because of the suit."

After a nice makeover, Lee Seung-chul headed to Ganghwa Island, where his wife's gallery is located. Lee Seung-chul, who attended the opening ceremony, welcomed his wife's guests warmly and showed the 'truth of foreign aid' by checking the sound facilities. In particular, Lee Seung-chul's wife also appeared for the first time in 'Girl Class', and Kim Dong-wan was really impressed, saying "You look like a Hollywood actor". Since then, Lee Seung-chul has worked hard to assist his wife in the opening ceremony, and even went up to the stage to celebrate 'No one else has done thatHe sang ' out loud. While going on stage and expressing her feelings about opening the gallery, the wife gave her husband a look of "I respect you~" and "Honey Dduk" to everyone's applause. Watching this scene, Danny Ahn expressed his respect, saying, `He's a sky-high senior, but seeing him think about his family in the home, I learned to say, 'That's a real husband and father.'"

While Lee Seung-chul's 『Foreign Day" ended warmly, the scene where \'Seenage'Enoch was having a blind date for the first time was revealed. On this day, Enoch went to the cafe where Shim Jin-hwa was waiting for while decorating. Shim Jin-hwa, who gave Kim Dong-wan-Seo Yoon-ah, found someone who would go well with his brother's style by mobilizing all his acquaintances"The woman you're going to go on a blind date today is really pretty. It is also said that there is a desire to get married quickly and have a child. So I think it'll go well with my brother." After a while, a blind date woman appeared in front of the two, and it was singer Kang Hye-yeon. Enoch was surprised to create a 'pupil' and launched a fluttering compliment, "I've met him on the air before, and he was small and small, so it felt like a real doll walking on." Kang Hye-yeon is also very popular among female singers. Everyone is going crazy because they're sexy."

Shim Jin-hwa was tactful and avoided her seat, and after that, the two talked about hobbies, love views, and lifestyles. At this time, Kang Hye-yeon said "My ideal type is the person who has something to learn. Externally, he said, "A person with split arm muscles..." Enoch appealed by applying strength to his forearm muscles, causing Kang Hye-yeon to laugh. Then, Enoch said "I don't have a particular ideal type, but I think they were positive people when I looked at the people I've been dating so far. I met people who had the same values for a long time." Listening to Enoch, 'Confucianism'Lee Da-hae is "You only need to talk about your ideal type, why are you bringing up old women?" and Shim Jin-hwa responded, "This is not it."

After a while, I heard that Kang Hye-yeon is in her sixth generation, do you have any thoughts of getting married?," he asked. Enoch said "It wasn't up to me. I've been worried about what if I can't get married, but I've never thought of being a bachelor.' In a friendly atmosphere, Kang Hye-yeon wants to spend her old age in a house with a yard", "I like animation and growing plants." he said, and Enoch responded perfectly, "So do I." In particular, when both were found to be residents of Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, 'Studio Mentor Corps' is "Destiny!"," he said, cheering in groups. To Kang Hye-yeon, who drove the momentum, "It's thanks to Mr. Shim Jin-hwa, but isn't it fate that men and women have such a place?" asked. Kang Hye-yeon "Do you think it's fate, too?," he asked back. Enoch replied "I think it's fate and fate at this moment in time," and made Kang smile.

Furthermore, Enoch even proposed 'After Meals', but Kang Hye-yeon "has a schedule and needs to move."It was a pity. In response, Enoch said he would take Kang Hye-yeon to his car himself, and even in the car, "If there is a good restaurant, let's share it", "I wish we could meet once in a while."," he continued to express his fondness. Kang Hye-yeon answered "Yes~" and said "If you don't mind, please give me your phone number" first. At the appearance of the two people who exchanged phone numbers at their first meeting, the viewers in the home room exploded their excitement on behalf of them and enthusiastically cheered for their pink meeting.

Meanwhile, Channel A 'Brides Class', in which Korea's representative wannabe grooms grow into cool men and good adults through grooming classes, airs every Wednesday night at 9:30 p.m.
