Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money "I watched Suzy's math and then appeared" ('Sean's cool)

Jul 03, 2024

Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money 'I watched Suzy's math and then appeared' ('Sean's cool)
Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money 'I watched Suzy's math and then appeared' ('Sean's cool)
Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money 'I watched Suzy's math and then appeared' ('Sean's cool)
Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money 'I watched Suzy's math and then appeared' ('Sean's cool)
Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money 'I watched Suzy's math and then appeared' ('Sean's cool)
Lee Si-eon "I'm making YouTube with Gian84 money"

On the 3rd, a video was posted on the YouTube channel 'Sean's School'HAN Hye-jin, setting up a tent in the courtyard of Hongcheon villa'.

On this day, Lee Si-eon visited Han Hye-jin's villa with his wife, Seo Ji-seung, and his wife's male friend and set up a tent. Han Hye-jin, who appeared at the time, said, `I had no plans to come to Hongcheon, but I cleaned up my house for 2 hours today because of Lee Si-eon," he said with a smile.

When Lee Si-eon says "The reason for putting the tent is that even Dal-sim (Han Hye-jin) thinks the charm of the tent is," Han Hye-jin says "I'm a person who hates camping. That's why I built a house"I drew the line. However, Han Hye-jin, who said she was not interested in camping, made her laugh by setting up a tent harder than anyone else.

Dinner time after playing in the water for a while. When we were talking while grilling meat, Yi Si-eon said "I'm so glad you're alive. We came to see the house in the country a few times"I fell in love with Han Hye-jin's Hongcheon villa.

Then Han Hye-jin said "Enjoy it with my property" and Lee Si-eon, who heard this, "Write down some books. If you die, Lee Si-eon and many other friends joked and made you laugh.

Lee Si-eon, Gian84 Made on YouTube with money 'I watched Suzy's math and then appeared' ('Sean's cool)
Lee Si-eon says "I don't call my friends on YouTube very often. I'm not the first to tell Gian84 to come out. But if Kian's always talking about it doesn't work, he says 'I'll go out' and "It's the same company as Kian." Gian made me laugh by saying, "I'm going to buy ice cream and make it now with my money."

Lee Si-eon said "Kian also reported Suzy's calculation, 'I'll go out once, but it didn't work out well." But Gian came out, and he didn't want to do it either. I don't think I have much motivation either," he said with a smile.

In response, Han Hye-jin said "When Yi Si-eon comes to my channel, she flies like a phoenix" and Yi Si-eon said "In fact, I have a family, so it's a little hard to reveal my inner self."

Then Han Hye-jin said "I do the same even if my mom comes out " and Lee Si-eon said "I was surprised to do more than that", causing laughter.
