Lee Yun-jin "After the divorce, I lived in Bali with my daughter...Escape or escape challenge"('I'm alone now')
Jul 16, 2024
TV CHOSUN 'Now I'm Alone', which aired on the 16th, revealed the second act of Lee Yun-jin's life in Bali with her daughter Soeul.
On this day, Lee Yun-jin said, `I was very worried about how many people pointed their fingers and there would be a lot of bad stories"Wept.
After deciding to break up with her, saying, "I can't imagine being a grandmother and grandfather…", Yunjin Lee is rebuilding all the foundations from home to work to establish a site in Bali.
He is living in Bali. It's been 10 months. She and her daughter, Soeul, are living together," he said, describing his recent situation.
Lee Yun-jin said, "After finishing the marriage, I wanted to show that living in a foreign country is not a escape or escape, but a new challenge and that I am living a new life hard.", he said, explaining the reason for appearing on 'Now I'm Alone".