Lee Yun-jin "After the divorce, I lived in Bali with my daughter...Escape or escape challenge"('I'm alone now')

Jul 16, 2024

Lee Yun-jin 'After the divorce, I lived in Bali with my daughter...Escape or escape challenge'('I'm alone now')
Lee Yun-jin 'After the divorce, I lived in Bali with my daughter...Escape or escape challenge'('I'm alone now')
Lee Yun-jin 'After the divorce, I lived in Bali with my daughter...Escape or escape challenge'('I'm alone now')
Lee Yun-jin 'After the divorce, I lived in Bali with my daughter...Escape or escape challenge'('I'm alone now')
Lee Yun-jin revealed why he started Act 2 in Bali after his divorce.

TV CHOSUN 'Now I'm Alone', which aired on the 16th, revealed the second act of Lee Yun-jin's life in Bali with her daughter Soeul.

On this day, Lee Yun-jin said, `I was very worried about how many people pointed their fingers and there would be a lot of bad stories"Wept.

After deciding to break up with her, saying, "I can't imagine being a grandmother and grandfather…", Yunjin Lee is rebuilding all the foundations from home to work to establish a site in Bali.

He is living in Bali. It's been 10 months. She and her daughter, Soeul, are living together," he said, describing his recent situation.

Lee Yun-jin said, "After finishing the marriage, I wanted to show that living in a foreign country is not a escape or escape, but a new challenge and that I am living a new life hard.", he said, explaining the reason for appearing on 'Now I'm Alone".
