Park Seul-ki closes SNS comment windows due to malicious comments in the aftermath of revelation of power abuse

Jul 31, 2024

 Park Seul-ki closes SNS comment windows due to malicious comments in the aftermath of revelation of power abuse

Broadcaster Park Seul-ki closed the SNS account comment box in the aftermath of the revelation of his power trip.

As of the 31st, Park Seul-ki's SNS account has been closed.

Park Seul-ki appeared on YouTube channel 'A-class Jang Young-ran' on the 27th and revealed the power abuse of actors he experienced while working as an entertainer. From an actor who curses 'DogXX' on the set of a drama to manager Park Seul-ki's cheek on the set of a movie??Shocking anecdotes have been revealed, even for actor Lin.

As a result, speculation was raised about 'Akjil Actor', and Lee Ji-hoon and Ahn Jae-mo, who appeared in the work with Park Seul-ki, were on the list of suspects.

In the end, Lee Ji-hoon and Ahn Jae-mo explained that after the terrorist attack on malicious comments, "'Your guess is wrong' and 'You became an actor who overpowered yourself in one morning.' In particular, Lee Ji-hoon added regret by explaining his wife Ayane, who is in postpartum care.

As the situation worsened, Park Seul-ki also explained, "(Lee) Ji-hoon had a lot of fun filming with me during "Mongjunggi 2", and Park Seul-ki's manager apologized to Ahn Jae-mo.

However, criticism continued because the two had already become the targets of the haters' attacks due to Park Seul-ki's subjectless revelation. On the 30th, a fan said, "'Seul-gi, you thought no one could be careless with you, right? There is no one else in the world who is more precious than himself. If there's anyone bothering you, call your sister. I'm not scared. Releasing the DM sent, "'Okay, I guess I'm very soft. I'm shedding tears and runny noses at a DM of an older sister I've never seen before. Unni, who are you to be more reliable than your husband?"

Nevertheless, as criticism continued, Park Seul-ki eventually seems to have closed the SNS comment window.