Seo Min-jae refutes Nam Tae-hyun's revenge porn denial "Evidence text - assault certificate included" (Full Story)

Jul 10, 2024

 Seo Min-jae refutes Nam Tae-hyun's revenge porn denial 'Evidence text - assault certificate included' (Full Story)
Seo Min-jae, a former member of Channel A "Heart Signal" who caused a stir over drug administration, re-refused to express his former lover Nam Tae-hyun's position.

On the 10th, Seo Min-jae wrote on his personal account, "'Regrettably, the other party is making me a liar, claiming that the article I wrote titled 'Dating Violence I experienced' is common and untrue. However, I have both the text and video screenshots that Nam Tae-hyun sent while threatening revenge pornography, and the witness and the hospital medical certificate when he assaulted her" he said.

Then "Considering Nam Tae-hyun's track record, I don't think I'm serious about wishing him happiness."Once again, I apologize for causing a stir, and I will also blame myself for my mistakes and live with self-reflection," he said.

Earlier, Seo Min-jae claimed that he suffered physical and mental violence while dating Nam Tae-hyun, and even after breaking up, Nam Tae-hyun threatened by sending a secret photo.

In this regard, Nam Tae-hyun expressed regret for choosing and mentioning only the other person's fault, ignoring the post-war situation. "There were frequent fights with each other. Among them, I swear that I never committed dating violence unilaterally."