Tzuyang's side "We did not request double espionage for rescue service…"The return to the show hasn't been decided yet

Jul 16, 2024

 Tzuyang's side 'We did not request double espionage for rescue service…'The return to the show hasn't been decided yet
YouTuber Tzuyang delivered the latest news.

Lawyer Kim Tae-yeon, Tzuyang's legal representative, appeared on CBS Radio 'Kim Hyun-jung's News Show' on the 16th and reported his position after suing cyber-rekas for extorting money by threatening Tzuyang under the pretext of the past when he was victimized by intimidation and assault by his ex-boyfriend A.

Lawyer Kim said "Tzuyang has been having a hard time since the case became public. He is having a very hard time contacting him directly, and he is hardly able to live his daily life. Nothing has been set about broadcasting."

It is true that there was a request for money (from cyberrekas). It is not that there is no doubt, but it has been confirmed that Caracula has never contacted Tzuyang directly. It could file additional charges, but the charges did not include Caracula, and only officially sued foot-and-mouth disease and the whole country," he said.

When foot-and-mouth disease appeared at the police on the 15th, "I never threatened Tzuyang." I will cooperate with the investigation, so please protect me from the threat of the best cartel in Korea. "Tzuyang said he paid donations and wrote contracts to prevent other YouTubers.

Lawyer Kim said "I wonder if there was actually a reason to ask Tzuyang to stop other YouTubers first. Some people question how many such YouTubers actually existed"There are some undisclosed evidence, and we try to clarify it with the evidence we have as much as possible."