Kim Jongmin, did you really decide to get married? Confessing that you're in a good relationship

Jul 19, 2024

 Kim Jongmin, did you really decide to get married? Confessing that you're in a good relationship

Kim Jong-min once again admitted to dating.

Kim Jong-min was having a conversation with Kara Heo Young-ji, who appeared as a guest on the 'Kim Jong-min's Myeon, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, Dayto, and Dayto, and Dayto, and Dayto, released on YouTube's Merrygo Round channel at 5 p.m. on the 19th.'"We are doing well in our relationship." he said.

Kim Jong-min confessed his romantic relationship on MBC Everyone 'I Labeled Today', which aired on the 16th. He said "Tell me about your girlfriend. There's an older brother I know with Jong-min, and I heard everything from him. I think they're seeing each other on the premise of marriage"" was greatly embarrassed by Jeon Hyun-moo's words, "There's a big brother in the mouth"." Kim Kook-jin was surprised at Kim Jong-min's appearance, saying, `I've never seen you admit love before.'

In addition, in the following truth game, Kwon Eun-bi answered "If you are willing to marry your current girlfriend "I unconditionally love is on the premise of marriage."

Kim Jong-min already announced that Moon Se-yoon is getting married at the end of September as Kim Jong-min's pledge on KBS2 「1 Night 2 Days」, which aired earlier this year, and fake news spread widely. He said "Fake news came out that I'm getting married on Monday, September 30." However, rumors of marriage are on fire once again, self-confessing that they are dating on various broadcasts recently.