'Marriage + Pregnancy' Lee Yoo-young even delivers donations prior to childbirth'

Jul 03, 2024

 'Marriage  Pregnancy' Lee Yoo-young even delivers donations prior to childbirth'
이유영. Sports Chosun DB Provides Photo = Ace Factory Official SNS Account

Actor Lee Yoo-young delivered the news of marriage and pregnancy, and he gave warm good deeds to add warmth.

Lee Yoo-young's agency Ace Factory said in its official position on the 3rd that `Lee Yoo-young became a formal couple after registering her marriage to her non-celebrity husband in May this year.'

"The couple, who have formed a bond with deep affection and trust for each other, will become parents in September," he said. "A separate wedding has not yet been scheduled as the birth date approaches. I would appreciate it if you could show your affectionate interest and congratulations to Lee Yoo-young, who is starting a new life as a couple and as a parent," he said.

In addition, Lee Yoo-young's donation certificate was also disclosed. According to the released donation certificate, Lee Yoo-young donated 65 million won to the Gwangju Community Chest of Korea on the 28th of last month. The agency donated support funds for young people who become self-reliant after the end of their lives in the nursery through a joint fundraising meeting for Gwangju Social Welfare prior to the birth of Lee Yoo-young, who is starting a new life as a couple and as a parent"I'd appreciate it if you could give Lee Yoo-young your warm-hearted attention and congratulations on her wedding announcement," he said.

Lee Yoo-young said in the 2012 short film 'Flowers are not seeded...debuted with ' Later films 'Ganshin', 'It's him', 'Remember me', 'Wonderful Ghost', 'Diva', 'Genre Romance', drama 'Tunnel', 'I'm going crazy, 'You're driving me crazy!', 'Dear Judge', 'People!', He performed enthusiastically in 'Everybody's Lies' and so on. Recently, I met with the viewers through the drama `Be Nice to Me.'
