Park Seul-ki, Nambul, Lee Ji-hoon, and Ahn Jae-mo echoed 'Gabjilmokro' cheering "Tears runny nose"

Jul 31, 2024

 Park Seul-ki, Nambul, Lee Ji-hoon, and Ahn Jae-mo echoed 'Gabjilmokro' cheering 'Tears runny nose'
Broadcaster Park Seul-ki confessed his feelings after revealing the actor's power trip.

Park Seul-ki posted on his personal account on the 31st, "I guess I'm very sensitive. "I'm shedding tears and runny noses at a sister's DMs that I've never seen before," he said, revealing a DM (direct message) left by a fan.

This fan thought that 'SEULGI, no one should be careless with you, right? There is no one else in the world who is more precious than himself. If there's anyone bothering you, call your sister. I'm not scared. You got it, right?' cheered Park Seul-ki.

Park Seul-ki said "Why are you so reliable than your husband. Are you my family?," he said, expressing his gratitude.

Park Seul-ki revealed the atrocities of the actor who abused his power in the 'A-class Jang Young-ran' video released on the 27th. From actors who swear 'DogXX' on the set of the drama to actors who slapped manager Park Seul-ki. The public was appalled by the shocking fact.

However, Park Seul-ki's anonymous disclosure caused Lee Ji-hoon and Ahn Jae-mo, who appeared in the work together, to be suddenly flocked to the actor. In the end, Lee Ji-hoon and Ahn Jae-mo had to explain that they were not themselves after the terrorist attack on malicious comments.

It is pointed out that even though Park Seul-ki's indiscriminate disclosure caused second and third victims, it is only 'innerly south Buddha'.