"TZUYU, please give us some service"? It's not true. It's not true…Tzuyang draws a clear line on the scandalous lies of foot-and-mouth disease
Jul 16, 2024
In a telephone interview with CBS 'Kim Hyun-jung's News Show', Tzuyang's legal representative Kim Tae-yeon (hereinafter referred to as lawyer Kim Tae-yeon) revealed the current state of Tzuyang, the foot-and-mouth disease, and the legal battle process against the national team.
Earlier on the 11th, Tzuyang confessed on his YouTube channel live that he had been assaulted, threatened, and extorted more than 4 billion won from his ex-boyfriend and former agency CEO A for four years. Tzuyang, who has been threatened and gaslighted by A, filed a criminal complaint against A because she could no longer bear it, but later dropped the first complaint when A came to the company and asked for leniency. However, as A violated the agreement made at the time on the condition that Tzuyang and the complaint be dropped, Tzuyang inevitably proceeded with the second criminal complaint. A promised not to mention Tzuyang's past anymore, but later, he viciously harassed some YouTubers by revealing Tzuyang's past, and Tzuyang can no longer overlook it, so he sued A for the second time. However, A, who was sued again, reached an extreme choice, and the criminal case was eventually closed with the non-transmission decision of 'No right to prosecute'.
He also added a story about the threatening process of 'Lekka Union', in which A's revenge pornography and gaslighting case entered another phase. Among the 'Lekka Alliance', foot-and-mouth disease, national march, and caracula were informed of Tzuyang's past history from A, and some of them made a big impact when it became known on the 10th that they made financial gains by threatening Tzuyang under the pretext of Tzuyang's past revelations through 'Garosero Research Institute' (hereinafter 'Garoseyeon').
Not only foot-and-mouth disease but also caracula as an accomplice who threatened Tzuyang was controversial when the Horizontal Sero Research Institute first exposed it. Attorney Kim Tae-yeon said, "We reportedly sued Caracula, but Caracula did not proceed with the complaint. Currently, only foot-and-mouth disease and national progress have been sued."
It was then confirmed that Caracula did not directly contact Tzuyang, although there is no suspicion (about the alleged threat of Caracula). So I excluded it from this complaint. There was talk of many people who participated in the investigation in the future, and further charges could be filed if the crime is found to be committed," he added.
Finally, lawyer Kim Tae-yeon said "It is difficult to have a direct conversation with Tzuyang. So it was urgent to proceed with the complaint. This case itself is a difficult situation for us to mention, so the complaint has been delayed. Tzuyang's comeback in broadcasting was discreet, saying, "No one is talking about it."