Seo Jeong-hee "Marrying Seo Se-won = Trauma..I want to forget about it at all costs" (Golden Counseling Center)

Jul 04, 2024

Seo Jeong-hee 'Marrying Seo Se-won  Trauma..I want to forget about it at all costs' (Golden Counseling Center)
A couple of broadcasters Seo Jung-hee and architect Kim Tae-hyun will visit Channel A 'Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center', which is scheduled to air at 8:10 p.m. today (4th).

Seo Jeong-hee, who had already visited Geumjeom Counseling Center once a year ago, confessed to her mental state of being tired of fighting breast cancer at the time. In this visit, he visits a counseling center with architect Kim Tae-hyun, a boyfriend who is six years his junior. In response, Seo Dong-ju, Seo Jung-hee's daughter, appears as a special interview to reveal the deep relationship between Seo Jung-hee and Kim Tae-hyun.

Seo Jung-hee, who first felt excited over the age of 60, reveals her concerns, saying, "It's a problem because I'm so happy." Dr. Oh Eun-young analyzed "It's like my first love that started at the age of 60." It is rumored that Seo Jeong-hee was surprised and admitted it. The daughter Seo Dong-ju commented on the changed appearance of her mother "I thought she was a very sensitive and nervous person, but she was wrongHe confesses that he was surprised by the appearance of his mother, who has become more cute after starting a love affair with her boyfriend. When Seo Dong-joo asked about remarriage at a gathering of the three, Seo Jung-hee and Kim Tae-hyun responded positively to the remarriage and did not hide their deep relationship.

Dr. Oh Eun-young, who saw couples Seo Jung-hee and Kim Tae-hyun in love, explains that the flame of love dies down, saying, `The validity of dopamine released when you fall in love lasts about 30 months.' He then advises two people who have been in a relationship for about three years to fill their seats with trust or other love. Dr. Oh Eun-young asked "Have you ever felt deep love" to examine their relationship. Seo Jung-hee expresses her gratitude to Kim Tae-hyun, saying that Kim Tae-hyun will shave his head first and shave his head when fighting breast cancer. Meanwhile, Kim Tae-hyun brings up the story of the past when he had a crisis because he was greedy for business. At that time, he expressed his affection for Seo Jeong-hee, saying, `The person who reached out first at that time.' In response, Dr. Oh Eun-young confirms that the two have a strong relationship, saying "It seems that they became important objects that helped each other get out of the quagmire."

Dr. Oh Eun-young carefully asked about her ex-husband Seo Se-won to see how much Seo Jung-hee's previous wounds healed. Seo Jung-hee responded to this by "It was a pity," he confesses his honest feelings. In response, Dr. Oh Eun-young examines Seo Jeong-hee's sentence completion test. Looking at the writing "What I want to forget about is divorce", when asked "Do you feel that your previous marriage is a trauma?" Seo Jeong-hee, who was thinking for a long time, admits and reminds me of the hurt that her previous marriage gave her, unlike her happy appearance.

Family members of the counseling center watched an interview with their daughter Seo Dong-ju to examine Seo's trauma. Seo Dong-ju says "When my mom gets lost, she suddenly panics comes" and that she gets super stressed out when she gets out of her routine. In response, Seo Jeong-hee confesses that she tried to match her life and arrangement routine so as not to panic. Dr. Oh Eun-young said, `You can't live if you lose your control to othersHe analyzes that he may have become obsessed with organizing and routines because he thinks that he can live only if he decides on this. Seo Jeong-hee was then blocked from eating due to the influence of her former marriage", he confesses that he was preoccupied with eating afterwards and shows anger when someone restrains him. Dr. Oh Eun-young, who heard the story, analyzed that if someone else presents a different opinion due to the experience of being deprived of self-control "It can be accepted that self-control is denied". He advises you to calm down by confirming that you can decide at any time.

Dr. Oh Eun-young then speculates that the meaning of home seems to be different for Seo Jeong-hee, who still spends a lot of time organizing the house for her control. Dr. Oh Eun-young, who was analyzing the HTP (House, Tree, Person) psychological picture test requested in advance, is surprised by saying "It's the first time I've ever seen a painting like this before" while looking at a tree painting. It also explains that trees mean 'I', and when you look at the drawings of several trees, it analyzes that 'I' seems that 'I' has not been integrated yet". Seo Jeonghee said, "I don't know how to do it properly yet", confessing to the hardship of living only as someone's wife.

Meanwhile, for Seo Jung-hee, who is still in pain, her boyfriend Kim Tae-hyun and daughter Seo Dong-ju deliver their inner feelings through a surprise interview. It is said that the families of the counseling center shed tears because of their sincere hearts, and everyone was surprised by the event prepared by their boyfriend Kim Tae-hyun as a surprise.

On this day, Dr. Oh Eun-young's mental care program 'Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center' will air every Thursday at 8:10 p.m. on Channel A, while attention is being paid to what kind of solutions she will provide to Seo Jeong-hee and Kim Tae-hyun.