Seo Jung-hee, ♥ Kim Tae-hyun 'Re-wedding proposal' Accepted'I want to love the rest of my life'('Counseling Center')

Jul 04, 2024

Seo Jung-hee, ♥ Kim Tae-hyun 'Re-wedding proposal' Accepted'I want to love the rest of my life'('Counseling Center')
Seo Jung-hee, ♥ Kim Tae-hyun 'Re-wedding proposal' Accepted'I want to love the rest of my life'('Counseling Center')
Seo Jung-hee accepted Kim Tae-hyun's surprise proposal.

A couple of broadcasters Seo Jung-hee and architect Kim Tae-hyun visited Channel A 'Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center', which aired on the 4th.

Seo Jung-hee and boyfriend architect Kim Tae-hyun, who returned to the groom-to-be after a year, greeted each other with pleasure. Seo Jeong-hee, who came to the 'Gold Counseling Center' a month before her ex-husband Seo Se-won's sad news in April 2023, was diagnosed by Dr. Oh Eun-young at the time.

Seo Jeong-hee was currently living a new life as a writer and a representative of an architectural firm, overcoming her wounds. And Kim Tae-hyun, six years his junior, has been by his side for three years.

Seo Jung-hee said, "Your face has gotten better"My hair was short because it was right after breast cancer surgery last year, but my hair was already this long," he said with a smile. Seo Jung-hee said "It really helped me a lot then. I came back out again to show you that I'm healthy now." Seo Jeong-hee is preparing for the senior department of the Pilates competition and is constantly working hard to determine the cure for breast cancer.

Seo Jeong-hee answered 'Who was the first to have a conversation?' and Kim Tae-hyun, an architect and university professor, said "It was amazing that there was someone who could talk about architecture for this long." Those parts worked well together."

The daughter Seo Dong-ju "The whole nation will feel it, but the mother looks very happy." I thought my mom was a sensitive and nervous person, but she wasn't."

Seo Jung-hee, ♥ Kim Tae-hyun 'Re-wedding proposal' Accepted'I want to love the rest of my life'('Counseling Center')
Seo Jung-hee was very cute next to her boyfriend. Seo Dong-ju laughed "Mom will be surprised to see herself." Something you wouldn't even have imagined in your last marriage.

Seo Dong-ju said "I jokingly said 'I'm a divorce senior than my mother." I have a lot of emotional ups and downs after I get divorced. I wanted to give my mother courage." Seo Jeong-hee said "When we got married for the first time, people used to say 'Differently, I live well.' But I don't think I can buy it. Because it's so different. The difference made my last marriage difficult. Now I didn't have the power to start a new love. In the past, I thought the feeling of love was a lie. But for the first time, he confessed, `I can like someone, too.'

He said he wanted to ask Dr. Oh Eun-young something. "Is it okay for me to be this comfortable? Can I like it?"I asked.

Seo Jung-hee said of her boyfriend, who is six years younger, "'I'm a woman, so don't I?' I wonder if my boyfriend will leave if I don't have the charm of being a woman later. I don't know if we've been married for a long time," he said with unease.

Seo Jeong-hee, who felt anxious rather than liberated even after her divorce, was living a completely different life a year later. Boyfriend and daughter Seo Dong-ju spent time talking naturally.

Seo Jeong-hee said "It's someone I want to be with for the rest of my life" about "Re-marriage" to people around me "I'll just get it from the other person unconditionally" I wanted to be compensated for my marriage, which I had sacrificed for 32 years, but next to you, I wanted to be nice to everything," he confessed to his daughter. Then "I want to try it with my daughter when she remarries."," he said with a smile.

Seo Jung-hee, ♥ Kim Tae-hyun 'Re-wedding proposal' Accepted'I want to love the rest of my life'('Counseling Center')
In response, Kim Tae-hyun said, `I have to marry again," he said firmly. Seo Jung-hee says, "I feel affectionate when I treat my boyfriend like my mother raises you. 'Is this love?' I want to."

Dr. Oh Eun-young said "It's like my first love that started at the age of 60." After meeting Kim Tae-hyun, I matched the couple look. Seo Jeong-hee gave me a bicycle gift even though she had never ridden a bicycle in 61 years. That's why I'm going to challenge the road cycle."

Seo Jeong-hee "I had chemotherapy while fighting breast cancer, and he shaved all his hair and cut my hair. It was so awkward, but he showed me that he had his hair cut in advance. 'Come and sit down. I'll give you a discount. They say, ' That was so touching. The hair loss process is ugly. Eyebrows also disappear. I can't see my blood bag either, but I changed it all," he said, thanking his boyfriend.

Kim Tae-hyun said "Before I met Jung-hee, it was a difficult time for me, too. I carried out a national project in a country, but it went wrong and even divorced. It was financially serious. He reached out to me first. He recalled, "'Let's calm down again and let's do it well together.'" Seo Jeong-hee said "I'm rather free when it comes to money. I've met people who can afford it after divorce, but I've never felt secure because of money. Some people purposely tested it to find someone to help them financially when they were really struggling, but it didn't work. It was Kim Tae-hyun who made me feel stable even without such a thing."

A year ago, the news of Seo Se-won's death was reported before the broadcast of 'Golden Counseling Center'. As for how he felt at the time, Seo Jung-hee said "I was very sorry. The bitter resentment still hasn't gone away. I shouldn't think about this, but I thought, `If you lived with me, you wouldn't have died.'

Seo Jung-hee, ♥ Kim Tae-hyun 'Re-wedding proposal' Accepted'I want to love the rest of my life'('Counseling Center')
Oh Eun-young asked Seo Jung-hee if her previous marriage was a trauma. Seo Jeong-hee says "Yes. There was such a thing in situations of trauma, in legal matters. I can only think of scary and difficult memories. I managed to make time away from my ex-husband. He recalled that he often goes to the bathhouse.

Seo Jeong-hee "I often 'wok' about what I eat. My ex-husband's trauma manifested itself as eating. I always eat in a hurry and swallow it before I can taste the meat. I was blocked from eating throughout my marriage. After the divorce, I heard that a lion roared in front of the food. When the food comes out, I focus only on it," and Kim Tae-hyun also sympathized with "If it doesn't suit your taste rather than the amount of food, you get angry.'

Seo Dong-ju said "Actually, my father's existence to me.. There was no male adult who shared my life's concerns. I met my uncle and became that kind of person to me. He's more than a father. It holds a big place in my heart and I hope my mom and uncle live happily for the rest of their lives. And I wish I was next to him. Thank you." and Kim Tae-hyun shed tears at Seo Dong-ju's sincerity.

At that time, Kim Tae-hyun handed a large bouquet of flowers to Seo Jeong-hee. Kim Tae-hyun read a handwritten letter he had written himself as a surprise proposal. Kim Tae-hyun "I want to get to know and feel and love you even hotter during the rest of my journey. It's ugly now. Don't worry about anything.," he confessed with a tearful look. Seo Jeong-hee accepted him and "I'm so happy that I can't cry. I'm so happy."