Seo Min-jae "Nam Tae-hyun, Ribenziforno + evidence of assault...Make me a liar."

Jul 10, 2024

Seo Min-jae 'Nam Tae-hyun, Ribenziforno  evidence of assault...Make me a liar.'
Singer Nam Tae-hyun's ex-lover, Seo Min-jae (who changed his name and Seo Eun-woo), refuted Nam Tae-hyun's denial of dating violence again.

On the 10th, Seo Min-jae said, "I checked Nam Tae-hyun's position through an article a while ago," he posted.

"Unfortunately, the other person is making me a liar, claiming that one-sided and untrue articles I wrote on brunch titled "Dating violence that I experienced." he said.

"But I have both the text and video screenshots that Nam Tae-hyun sent while threatening Ribenziforno, and the witness and the hospital medical certificate when he assaulted her," he claimed.

Seo Min-jae said, `I just wonder how you can say the words 'Get rid of anger and be comfortable' to the person who hurt you,' and added, `Considering Nam Tae-hyun's track record, I don't think I'm serious about wishing my happiness.'

Seo Min-jae added "Once again, I apologize for causing a stir, and I will also blame myself for my wrongdoings and live with self-reflection."

Seo Min-jae 'Nam Tae-hyun, Ribenziforno  evidence of assault...Make me a liar.'
Seo Min-jae 'Nam Tae-hyun, Ribenziforno  evidence of assault...Make me a liar.'
Earlier in June, Seo Min-jae sent a picture from his ex-boyfriend. With the words 'You can't guess what the situation is going to be like. a very personal picture. The picture that you said you definitely erased. My heart sank", shocking him by posting a post claiming that he had been threatened with revenge pornography. Later, through an article, I guessed that my ex-boyfriend was Nam Tae-hyun.

Nam Tae-hyun, who has been silent since then, expressed his regret that he chose and mentioned only the other person's fault, ignoring the post-war situation. "I swear that there was never a time when I unilaterally committed dating violence. "

▶ Hereinafter, Seo Min-jae specializes in SNS writing

Hello, I'm Seo Min-jae.

First of all, I apologize for causing a stir by writing again on Instagram.

I just checked Nam Tae-hyun's position through an article. Unfortunately, he's making me a liar, claiming that one-sided and untrue comments I wrote on brunch titled 'Dating Violence I've experienced'.

However, I have both the text and the video capture that Nam Tae-hyun sent while threatening Ribenziforno, and the witness and the hospital medical certificate when he assaulted her.

I can't help but wonder how you can say 'Get rid of your anger and be relaxed' to your hurtful partner. Also, considering Nam Tae-hyun's track record, I don't think I'm serious about wishing my happiness.

Once again, I apologize for causing a stir, and I will also blame myself and reflect on my wrongdoings.