Seulgi First feelings after 'Manager's power abuse controversy'"I felt a lot"

Jul 16, 2024

Seulgi First feelings after 'Manager's power abuse controversy''I felt a lot'
Red Velvet's Seulgi mentioned for the first time how he felt about being caught up in the recent controversy over his manager's power trip.

Seulgi recently said on Bubble, a fan communication platform, "Sorry for being late! I'm sure everyone is sleeping, right? I'm thinking about when it's better to contact you, and now I send it. First of all, you were worried a lot, right? I was so encouraged and grateful by reading each piece of support, so I wanted to quickly tell you that I was okay." Then "I'm fine. So, let's not worry about ReVeluv! "Okay? There won't be anything to worry about anymore," he said, reassuring himself of the dizzying moment when he was first rumored, saying, "I've felt a lot this time and I've felt a lot."

Then "Have a good rest of your schedule and go back to Korea, so I hope the fans have a good day!" Once again, thank you for giving me a lot of strength," he said to his fans.

Earlier on the 12th, Seulgi was involved in a controversy over her overuse of power while leaving for Kaohsiung, Taiwan, via Incheon International Airport to attend 'K-MEGA CONCERT IN KAOHSION' with Red Velvet members.

Seulgi, who was wearing high heels and sponsored clothes outside the airport at the time, was caught in a heated argument as she was seen walking inside the airport in exchange for her manager's sneakers.

Seulgi First feelings after 'Manager's power abuse controversy''I felt a lot'
In the photos taken and released by netizens, a female manager was wearing Seulgi's high heels on her socks, and instead, Seulgi was wearing sneakers that the manager was wearing, and when a video of the manager wearing high heels that did not fit her feet was released, suspicions arose that she might have abused her manager.

As soon as the controversy arose, Seulgi posted an apology on his SNS and explained himself. Seul-gi "I recently had blisters and wounds on my feet during practice, but my shoes at the airport weren't very high, so I thought it would be okay, so I was careless not to pack extra sneakers."As I walked, my feet were pushed and I started to get scarred, and when I saw myself having a hard time walking after arriving in Kaohsiung, my manager decided that the performance would be too much, so he suggested changing my shoes only when I left the airport." he explained the situation at the time. Seulgi "I'm sorry to those who might have been disappointed that I couldn't think of any other way and made an incorrect judgment in the moment when my feet hurt.", he apologized. He said, `I'm just sorry to the manager who must have been hurt by this incident. I personally apologized to the manager. "I'll be more careful and careful not to let this happen in the future", he apologized.