Tzuyang, while taking 4 billion won, continued good work..200 million donation the day before the confession of 'Revengeforno'

Jul 11, 2024

 Tzuyang, while taking 4 billion won, continued good work..200 million donation the day before the confession of 'Revengeforno'
Photo capture=쯔양 SNS
While YouTuber Tzuyang confessed to her ex-boyfriend that she suffered from assault and economic exploitation for four years, the part that continued her steady good deeds such as donations and volunteer activities is being re-examined.

On the 11th, a number of posts were posted on various online communities proving that YouTuber Tzuyang has been doing a steady good deed. This is the day when Tzuyang confessed to the past, saying that she had been assaulted and exploited by her ex-boyfriend through her YouTube channel at around 2 a.m.

 Tzuyang, while taking 4 billion won, continued good work..200 million donation the day before the confession of 'Revengeforno'
Tzuyang, who delivers 200 million won in donations to World Vision on the 9th. Photo courtesy =World Vision
In particular, on the 10th, the previous day, it became a big topic when it was revealed that Tzuyang donated 200 million won to commemorate the achievement of 10 million YouTube subscribers.

On the 9th, Tzuyang sponsored 200 million won in donations to World Vision with companies sponsoring her YouTube channel. At the same time, he visited the World Vision Seoul Western Business Headquarters and participated in 'Love Lunch Box' to pack and deliver lunch boxes directly for children concerned about skipping meals in Korea.

In addition, it was also known that Tzuyang has been steadily donating 3,157,000 won per month to a nursery in Seoul for about five years since May 2019.

In particular, at the time of 2020, when the activity was suspended due to the controversy over 'back advertisements (not marked for paid advertisements)', he did not stop donating even though he had no income. At that time, the head of the nursery center told Tszyu, `Don't feel pressured. She said, "It's okay if you don't send me the donation." But Tzuyang said, "Director, I can't send you as much as I do now, but I'll continue as much as I can." did not break the will to donate.

As a YouTuber, Tzuyang also actively used her social command. Tzuyang also used the social influence of YouTubers to help promote economically difficult stores for free.

Tzuyang visited restaurants all over the country to help small business owners who were in trouble due to COVID-19. In particular, in December 2020, I shared all the chicken in the store on my YouTube channelposted a video saying ' At that time, Tzuyang "The owner of the store is very sick because he has Whiguam. I heard you had a big surgery and you were having a hard time"We conducted a real-time mukbang (eating broadcast) while purchasing and eating all the chicken in the store.

During the mukbang, there were constant calls for orders at the store, and the owner of the whole chicken restaurant smiled brightly.

In this way, Tzuyang continued to do good deeds despite the difficult situation he faced. In particular, he even showed humility for his good deeds, saying `to repay the love received.'

When Tzuyang's warm good deed became known, netizens said "Thank you for hanging in there.", He left supportive comments such as "'It's too bad that you bullied such a good person.'" "It hurts because my heart is so warm."

 Tzuyang, while taking 4 billion won, continued good work..200 million donation the day before the confession of 'Revengeforno'
Meanwhile, on the 10th, the YouTube channel Garosero Research Institute released a transcript that YouTuber Tzuyang paid tens of millions of won after being threatened by some YouTubers belonging to the so-called 「Lekka Alliance" to which foot-and-mouth disease and caracula belong.

After that, Tzuyang said, 'I'll tell you everything at 2 a.m. on the 11thHe began broadcasting under the title ', confessing to the past that he had suffered assault and exploitation from his ex-boyfriend.

Before the show, Tzuyang mentioned her boyfriend she met and said, `At first, he was very good, but soon after, he was violent. Since I told them to break up, a lot of hell has happened since then", he confessed. He then threatened to break up with me, saying that there was a video of me secretly when he said to break up, and after that, he was beaten with umbrellas or dull objects," he said, claiming revenge pornography.

Even the ex-boyfriend took Tzuyang to the bar where he worked, saying that he had to sit down and pour alcohol, so he did it at the time. I couldn't tell you that I was threatened by my friends around me, so I told them that I was just doing it. There was a time when I did it for a really short time. At that time, I took all the money I earned from it. There is also a full history of transfers."

Afterwards, the legal representative of Tzuyang said on the 11th that "Tzuyang suffered a lot of damage, so he went with me for 0 days including requesting settlement money, termination of exclusive contract, and objection to trademark application. For 000 years, the first criminal complaint was filed for habitual assault, habitual intimidation, habitual injury, blackmail, coercion, and violation of the Sexual Violence Punishment Act. After that, the former CEO of the agency came to our company and earnestly asked for leniency, promising not to comment further on the matter, but in violation of the agreement, Mr. Tzuyang inevitably proceeded with a second criminal complaint" he said.

As I said on the broadcast, Tzuyang expected a punishment of more than five years in prison because there were many charges. However, since then, the former agency's representative has unfortunately come to an extreme choice, and the criminal case was eventually closed with the non-transmission decision of 'no right to prosecute'. We hope that there will be no speculation or misunderstanding of the parties with this issue, and that secondary damage to the bereaved families and others will not occur."