Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL" ('Group club')

Jul 27, 2024

Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL' ('Group club')
Yoo Jae-seok expressed his disappointment with Kim Yong-man, Ji Seok-jin, and Kim Su-yong, who were united on the YouTube channel 'Group Club'.

On the 26th, Yoo Jae-seok, the first member of the club, appeared as the first guest in the video uploaded to the YouTube channel 'Job club' and showed off his outspoken talk.

On this day, Yoo Jae-seok said, "How did you feel when we invited you to Kim Yong-man's 'Group Club'?When asked ", who controlled the brothers? "I've seen my brothers for a long time, they're not the ones who push for this," he said, spouting his conviction about opening a channel for 'Group Club' without any addition or subtraction.

Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL' ('Group club')
Yoo Jae-seok then shared an anecdote, saying, `Congratulations as a younger brother because the older brothers are opening the channel, but on the other hand, I'm disappointed.'Job club' I've been telling the older brothers (Let's do it) for a long time, and I've tried to raise it well, but when I do that, the older brothers always say, `Yes, Jae-seok, do it on your own.'

In response, Ji Seok-jin responded, "'If you feel like that, we'll talk to Netflix and make a content. I think you just have to come out.'" Yoo Jae-seok responded, "'Do you know anyone in OTT?' There isn't one," he said, prompting laughter by hitting an iron wall. At the same time, Yoo Jae-seok said OTT was also in a position to create a market two to three years ago, so he was active and invested a lot. But it's saturated to some extent these days. As a result, he showed off his insight to quickly read and penetrate the rapidly changing platform market trend in line with the modifier 'Yu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu-neu.

Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL' ('Group club')
Earlier, Yoo Jae-seok saw the food in front of the members and said, "As soon as we started, PPL.. I'm thankful, but I don't think it's polite to the subscribers," he said, expressing concern. Then Ji Seok-jin trembled, saying "I think the club channel is about to explode", and Kim Yong-man "Have you heard that you lined up?," he bluffed. Yoo Jae-seok said, "You have to be careful when you do that! I'm making a mistake!!," he said in a blip.

Yoo Jae-seok also said, "Why didn't you eat? If it's dry like this in PPL.. I hate things like this the most!" and yelled at the older brothers who put down the cutlery. Then, Ji Seok-jin said "Hey! Pick up a cheese ball each," he said, drawing laughter by immediately executing Yoo Jae-seok's words.

Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL' ('Group club')
In the meantime, when Kim Soo-yong suddenly handed over sesame oil to Yoo Jae-seok, Yoo Jae-seok "Ah..." "You're not as funny as you used to be, I've never laughed at your story before," he said, then gave Kim Soo-yong, who was eating seaweed roll, saying, "If you're going to eat it that bad, don't do it!", and he continued to laugh by showing 'True friend (real close friend) chemistry' in the form of a tree. Nevertheless, Yoo Jae-seok "You have to eat a lot when PPL comes in. You can't skip it just because you're full! These guys are full!!," he said, giving realistic advice like a big YouTuber.

In the constant talk, Yoo Jae-seok also confessed something absurd. Yoo Jae-seok " (appearing in the group club) was invited a month ago. So I gave you a date. Then I said, "No, I can't do it on that day." And Kim Yong-man said, "You must have been surprised."'` he smiled awkwardly. Yoo Jae-seok then said "That's possible. They're busy too.. So I asked for the date again and gave it to you again, and they said no again. But both times, I heard it's not possible because of Yongman. I've never seen a case like this that doesn't work like this before," he complained and laughed.

Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL' ('Group club')
Nevertheless, Kim Yong-man said "I have to go (to the schedule) later" and Ji Seok-jin said "Hey, what's the animation where Yong-bal-ah (Yoo Jae-seok) comes out? It came out hard, but I have to film it for an hour because of you," he said, blaming Kim Yong-man, and Kim Soo-yong also said, "That's right. Woo-yi!" and bickered on and on.

At the same time, Ji Seok-jin trembled, saying, `We'll go out and shine your channel once again, the three of us 'Pingyego'.' In response, Yoo Jae-seok "Even if it's not like that, even in "Pinggye High School" when the older brothers will be invited, they say a lot." So what's the name of this program?When asked ," Ji Seok-jin said "I don't know, which one do you think would be good for you?," he asks back. In response, Yoo Jae-seok shot Kim Yong-man cheerfully, saying "'YONGMAN is busy'(attach)", causing laughter again.

Yoo Jae-seok, you should eat a lot when you come into PPL' ('Group club')
Changing the atmosphere again, Kim Yong-man said "Thank you for coming out, but when I see Jae-seok, I rarely go out as a guest anywhere." In response, Yoo Jae-seok also said "Of course it came out because the older members sang it.", but he gave warmth by thinking about each other.

On the other hand, in the trailer for the second episode released at the end of the show, Kim Yong-man "You knew everything, why didn't you tell me?", and confessing his disappointment to Yoo Jae-seok, drawing keen attention to the reason.
