'Bang on the sidewalk'Drunker Suga lied again'An apology read'

Aug 13, 2024

'Bang on the sidewalk'Drunker Suga lied again'An apology read'

At this point, the apology seems to have become a complete poison.

CCTV footage of Suga driving an electric scooter on the sidewalk while intoxicated was released on the 13th. Shortly after the accident, Suga said in an apology, "I fell alone while setting up an electric kickboard at the front door of my house" is the moment when the explanation turns out to be another lie.

On the 13th, Yonhap News TV released CCTV footage showing the moment of Suga's accident while driving on an electric scooter while intoxicated.

'Bang on the sidewalk'Drunker Suga lied again'An apology read'
At around 11:10 p.m. on the 6th, a street in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. Suga was driving on the sidewalk on a scooter when he hit a boundary stone and fell. At this time, police rioters on patrol found Suga and asked for support from a nearby police station.

The media reported "A patrol car arrived at the scene in less than 10 minutes, and a breathalyzer test was conducted at the scene"The blood alcohol concentration is 0.227%, intoxicated. The figure was well above the 0.08 per cent threshold for revocation of licenses," he said.

The police then took measures to return home after measuring the alcohol consumption without properly investigating Suga because he was intoxicated at the time"Police have completed confirmation of Sugar's final travel distance and route, and are currently coordinating schedules with Sugar for a summons investigation"

Earlier, shortly after the news of the accident was announced, Suga returned home on an electric kickboard after drinking at the meal. He violated the road traffic laws without realizing that he could not use an electric kickboard while drinking and thinking that it was a close distance. I fell alone in the process of setting up an electric kickboard at the front door of the house, and there was a police officer around me, so I took a breath test and found that I was issued with a license cancellation and a fine.

'Bang on the sidewalk'Drunker Suga lied again'An apology read'
It was a short apology, but as a result, it contains a number of false explanations, which is highly criticized by the public. One netizen checked and re-released the false part of Suga's explanation one by one.

The electric kickboard turned out to be an electric scooter and claimed it was not close. The main gate in front of the house was a double deck on the sidewalk, and he corrected himself that he fell alone in the process of hitting the boundary stone, not in the process of setting up an electric kickboard. It has been revised that no fines have been imposed and that they have not yet been imposed due to the possibility of expanding criminal punishment.

CCTV footage released earlier revealed that Suga drove an electric scooter, not an electric kickboard, and when police found him driving briefly after drinking a glass of beerIt was known to have stated to the effect of ", but this was also found to be false when the level of alcohol concentration in the blood was released. In addition, as the moment of the accident was released on CCTV, it was found that he crashed into a boundary stone while running on the sidewalk rather than falling while setting up a kickboard, making false explanations and suspicions of reducing the incident inevitable.

'Bang on the sidewalk'Drunker Suga lied again'An apology read'
Photo=online community
Amid concerns that Suga may be on the photo line for the first time by BTS as he is scheduled to summon additional police, there are voices calling for Suga's voluntary withdrawal from the fandom Army.

A wreath-laying protest was held in front of the Hive headquarters in Yongsan-gu, Seoul from 8 p.m. in support of Suga's withdrawal from the BTS team. The wreath has provocative phrases such as "Congratulations on your fall","Min Yoongi Leave","You're the one who let go of our hands","Don't you feel sorry for the fans?". Voices calling for Suga's withdrawal from the team are also continuing on social media. Sugar's voluntary withdrawal hashtag movement is continuing around X (formerly Twitter).
