Rapper from 'Show Me Them', assaulted by passers-by police investigation → Agency did not answer silently

Aug 01, 2024

While famous rapper A is under police investigation for assaulting a passerby, the agency remains silent.

On the morning of the 1st, Mr. A's agency has not made a significant statement after leaving the phrase "Checking the facts".

A was investigated by police on July 28 at 8:30 p.m. bystanders at a park intersection in Mapo-gu, Seoul, with the intention of 'dragging the bicycle upright' and assaulting him using a mobile phone. The victim suffered tear near his eyes and damage to some of his teeth, and the police will investigate the suspect if they decide whether to book him through a basic investigation.

Mr. A was recruited by famous entertainment in 2008 and released his debut song in 2010. He later appeared as a producer on Mnet "Show Me the Money".
