Go Jun-hee, 'Neck Injury' and return to the play..Time to wake up after "Burning Sun Rumor"

Aug 14, 2024

Go Jun-hee, 'Neck Injury' and return to the play..Time to wake up after 'Burning Sun Rumor'
Actor Ko Jun-hee, who suffered a neck injury, returned to the play "Angels in America" after recovery.

Ko Jun-hee released a video on her personal account on the 13th with the message "See you later".

Go Jun-hee, 'Neck Injury' and return to the play..Time to wake up after 'Burning Sun Rumor'
In the video, Ko Jun-hee is wearing sunglasses and practicing for the performance. Ko Jun-hee, who is clapping with a smile, draws attention with a brighter appearance. Ko Joon-hee is said to have risen as scheduled for the evening's performance.

Earlier, Ko Jun-hee was worried when she was absent for health reasons on the 8th, a day after the first performance of the play Angels in America. Back then, Ko Junhee said, "I hurt my neck today, so I couldn't go on stage."I'm so sorry to those who booked in advance and came to see me. After receiving hospital treatment, I came to the concert hall and watched the performance with the director. Thank you so much to Hye-in, who stood on stage instead of me, and at the same time, I'm sorry. I am truly sorry to all the staff of Angels America. I will concentrate on recovery quickly. Once again, I apologize to the fans who came to support me."

Go Jun-hee, 'Neck Injury' and return to the play..Time to wake up after 'Burning Sun Rumor'
The play 'Angels in America', which opened on the 6th, is Ko Jun-hee's return. For Ko Jun-hee, 「Angels in America」 is meaningful as a work that returns after shaking off the Burning Sun rumor.

Ko Jun-hee was embroiled in a rumor that she was an actress related to Burning Sun's sexual hospitality gate in 2019. He sued the haters, explaining that he was not a Burning Sun actress, but suspended his activities for as many as five to six years.

Ko Joon-hee confessed her feelings about this by appearing on Shin Dong-yeop's channel 'Sweet Brother Shin Dong-yeop' last month.

Shin Dong-yup told Ko Joon-hee "When I heard (about Ko Jun-hee) from people around me, they said that they might have been misunderstood because of the photo taken in New York. I guess you went back and forth to New York, right?"I asked about the Burning Sun rumor at the time. In response, Ko Jun-hee said, "That was in 2015. I think I can post a proof shot of my trip to New York. Also, I was in the same agency with my friend (Seungri) at the time, so I put it together. I still remember it vividly. At the time, I was filming a drama called 'Bingi' and a friend called me. 'Kakao Talk content was released, and the sister goes around the Internet saying you're the one. He asked what this was talking about, so he said 'It's not me, so what does it matter?' My friend said, `Other celebrities are coping with just the mention of it,' so I contacted the company and asked it.

Go Jun-hee, 'Neck Injury' and return to the play..Time to wake up after 'Burning Sun Rumor'
Then I said 'I'm coming out in the comments, but if it's serious, I think I should explain it too', and the company said 'What are you doing when it's a comment?' and said 'I guess it's okay'. I guess it's because I'm confident and the company says it's okay.'"I had to focus on my work, my work, and it's been a day or two like that. But my parents and friends also called me, so I realized the seriousness. I asked the company to say no, but they said they didn't know why they had to do that. After that, I was notified of my departure from the drama, and I appointed a lawyer with the feeling that it would not matter if I quit this job", he confessed.

Ko Jun-hee should have continued to do the drama if she was really proud. Why are you getting off?There was a malicious comment saying ', but I was notified of my departure. I didn't drop out. But the article went out as if I had gotten off, and " (at the time of the malicious comment complaint) I had to read each and every comment that the police department criticized me. He said, "If you're having a hard time, you can take a rest, but it was hard even though he was convenient."

Ko Jun-hee said, `I thought I would work quickly again because the rumour was not true, but I didn't know that five to six years would pass so quickly. I really only have family. I haven't worked for five or six years. I've been so pretty for 5 to 6 years...," he said again, expressing his displeasure.

Go Jun-hee, 'Neck Injury' and return to the play..Time to wake up after 'Burning Sun Rumor'
Since then, Ko Joon-hee has received support from many people by announcing the news of her return to the play. Among them were fellow actors such as Cho Seung-woo and Su-ae.

In particular, Cho Seung-woo personally left a message to Ko Jun-hee and cheered for her, drawing attention. In the released message, Cho Seung-woo said to Ko Jun-hee, `Please convey my message to Ko Jun-hee. I've never encountered one, but from afar, I'm celebrating and cheering for tomorrow's first performance! I hope that the valuable time on stage in the future will accumulate beautifully and remain a precious memory, and I hope we can meet often in good works anywhere starting with this work! Go for it!," he said, drawing attention.

Also "All the hard things. I told you to release everything on stage. Even if you are nervous and nervous, it will be nothing to the person who has endured such unfair and difficult times. Stand up confidently and open it up more than anyone else. Reward the lost time with the energy and applause of the audience."

In response, Ko Jun-hee said "Thank you so much to Cho Seung-woo for delivering the message through Director Shin Yoo-cheong. Director, thank you so much for teaching me a lot, which is my first time in a play," he expressed his appreciation.
