Hong Seok-cheon's M-Fox warning "Korean spread soon..."thoroughly safe sex"

Aug 25, 2024

Hong Seok-cheon's M-Fox warning 'Korean spread soon...'thoroughly safe sex'
Hong Seok-cheon has issued a strong warning against the spread of M-Fox in Korea.

Hong Seok-cheon posted on his SNS account on the 24th, "Be careful, everyone. It will spread quickly."Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, the U.S. is coming soon." he warned.

"Be careful and have a thoroughly safe sex with each other," he said. "I'll tell you I'm tired of it. I'm sure there's a reason for everything. Even when I travel abroad, I always come back after vacation, so the number of patients in Korea will increase soon"We were concerned about the spread in the country after the holiday season.

And he said, "Please keep in mind my followers. It's just the beginning 예방 또 예방 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 노 마약 예스 콘돔 !!!!!! 내가 나서야겟네 ㅠㅠ 엠폭스"라고 강조했다.

At the same time, Hong Seok-cheon attached a related news containing concerns about the spread.

MPOX (formerly known as monkeypox), which Hong Seok-cheon cautioned against, was an endemic disease that mainly occurred in rural rainforests in central and western Africa in the past, but infection cases continue in many countries, mainly in Europe and North America in 2022, and the outbreak area is gradually expanding.

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Empox International Public Health Crisis (PHEIC). According to the KDCA, has M.Fox been in direct contact with or infected with bodily fluids, skin and mucosal lesions (rashes, scabs, etc.) from infected people and animals?It can be infected by contact with objects used by animals, fabrics (clothes, bedding, or towels), surfaces, and respiratory secretions.

▶ Hereinafter, Hong Seok-cheon specialized in SNS

Everyone, be careful. It spreads quickly Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, the U.S.. It's coming soon Be careful and have a thoroughly safe sex. I'm tired of talking to you. I'm sure there's a reason Even when I travel abroad, I'm sure the number of patients in Korea will increase soon because I'm going to be careful after my vacation My Palo brothers, please keep that in mind. It's just the beginning Prevention again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No drugs yes condoms!!!! I have to step up ㅠㅠ엠폭스예방또네콘예스!!!!!
