'I want to have a baby' Park Na-rae is thinking about getting off 'I'm alone' because of marriage?

Aug 01, 2024

'I want to have a baby' Park Na-rae is thinking about getting off 'I'm alone' because of marriage?
Park Na-rae expressed her thoughts on marriage.

On the 31st, a video titled 'Park Narae Sulterview' was posted on the YouTube channel 'Life84'.

Gian84 said of Park Narae "A fellow and friendlike woman. There were many times when I wanted to rely on him, and there were many times when I wanted to rely on him, but if I tried to rely on him, this friend was also taking a double bath, and if this friend tried to rely on me, I was cursed. He explained, "I think we spent our 30s together while riding a tightrope." In response, Park Na-rae introduced herself as "Gian84's former ex-sum girl and family-like and best sister."

Gian84 is then "You have to proceed even if it's hard." There may be no viewers who don't know you, but he recited Park Na-rae's profile. In particular, in terms of body size, "148cm" is said, and there is also a place called 149cm.

Then Park Na-rae is "148cm. Because even now, my height is decreasing due to aging" he said. As for the weight, "I measured it this morning, and it's 49.3kg. I'm trying to make it a wrestling Greco-Roman type because I'm weighing it up." Gian84 who heard this is "Stop weighing. Still, it looks good to lose weight, he said.

Park Na-rae expressed her disappointment, saying, `Didn't I tell my brother to come to my house for a few days to drink?', and Gian84 confessed, `Actually, I don't go out more and more these days.'

In response, Park Na-rae asked "Did you fall into mannerism about meeting people?" and Gian84 said "It was very fun when I played with you, Sian, and Hye-jin." But these days, no matter who sees me, I wonder if I have to go out again. As I get older. Don't you not see people that often these days?"

Park Na-rae replied "I still have a party once a week at home." Gian84 then likes to feed people. Narae gave it to people around, so there are a lot of people. But the problem is that you trust people too well. It seems to me that there are some scammers around. Watch out for those who keep saying they have a lot of money and what they're doing."

'I want to have a baby' Park Na-rae is thinking about getting off 'I'm alone' because of marriage?
When asked what she was up to, Park Na-rae said, "Because I couldn't meet people while I was barging, I wanted to meet people and have a drink and get married, so I'm looking for marriage."It's because I want to have a baby."

Gian84 is "If I don't have children, why would I get married?" But you have to meet a good man"You have to quickly find someone else if you don't want a man to." When you're in a relationship, say 'I want to meet on the premise of marriage' Pass if he says no. There's not much time left now." In response, Park Na-rae was puzzled, saying "I'm not even going to die tomorrow."

Meanwhile, Park Na-rae said "I'm still grateful to my brother now. He thanked Gian84 for coming to the Mokpo funeral home at the time of last year's funeral, saying, "When this brother asks you to come, you don't come when you tell him not to come." Gian84 says "If I had something to do, I wouldn't have been able to go. But my grandfather was embarrassed, saying, "I've seen him, too."

Park Na-rae said "Others are 'Grandpa's funeral. Are you off work?Some people think that ' It can be. Work comes first. But to me, my grandfather is like a father, so I told him everywhere I worked, and thankfully he understood it all. "

Gian84 said "I shouldn't say it's fun, but I was glad to go to the funeral and see you and your younger brother. And they say you have to be happy at the funeral to go to a good place."
