Jo Se-ho, '2 Days & 1 Night'Junman Lee is welcome.."I can't read your mind~"

Aug 18, 2024

Jo Se-ho, '2 Days & 1 Night'Junman Lee is welcome..'I can't read your mind'
Jo Se-ho and Lee Jun joined as new members.

The first trip with new members Jo Se-ho and Lee Jun was revealed on KBS 2TV '1 Night 2 Days', which aired on the 18th.

On this day, '2 Days & 1 Night' opened on the roof of the KBS main building. Kim Jong-min, who heard the news of the new members through the article, laughed by revealing his inner feelings, saying, `I thought someone like Byun Woo-seok would come in.'

When the sound of the helicopter was heard, the members of '2 nights' began to get excited. In particular, Kim Jong-min "You're going to pick them up?" That's absurd. I think I'm crazy," he said in a dumbfounded tone.

As everyone expected, Jo Se-ho and Lee Joon, who joined the helicopter as new members of '1 Night 2 Days', got off the helicopter. When Moon Se-yoon saw Cho Se-ho dressed up, he teased "Are you here to give me a wedding invitation?" In response, Cho Se-ho apologized 20 seconds after his appearance, making him laugh, saying, `If you felt excessive, I will post an apple.'

Kim Jong-min put in " (the opening) a lot of money." Cho Se-ho and Lee Jun said "We're both up there "This much for us?`I wondered why,' he said candidly.

Cho Se-ho, who asked Cha Tae-hyun, a former member of the group, to discuss his concerns after being cast for "1 Night 2 Days ", said "What do you think about it?When I asked ', he said 'Isn't there no reason why you shouldn't?' 'I hope you'll do well there in a fun way.' he said. He also asked Yoo Jae-seok, saying, `You're joining us, so do well. Congratulations, and I hope you do well as a duo with Se-yoon."

Jo Se-ho, '2 Days & 1 Night'Junman Lee is welcome..'I can't read your mind'
Jo Se-ho said it was a big burden to join as a new member of '1 Night 2 Days' and also watched articles and comments. You didn't welcome me. Isn't "1 Night 2 Days" loved globally. Some articles are in foreign languages, but when I pressed the comment translation, Lee Jun said, "You are welcome, but I am not welcome." Even if I didn't press the translation function, the emoticons were crying."

In an interview with the production team, Cho Se-ho said, "Unexpectedly, my personality is very sensitive. "I also have a sense of the viewers who love "2 Days & 1 Night" "I don't think I'm going to bat in the first inning, but the moment I go up, another episode will start, so I think I should match it well."He expressed his determination.

Lee Joon, who is new to a variety show for the first time, did not tell anyone but his nephew that he appeared in '2 Night'. He said "My nephew's only favorite celebrity is '2 Days & 1 Night' team. I felt like my uncle was not a celebrity, but I only told my nephew the news of his regular appearance, and I was happy."

Kim Jong-min said he met Lee Joon on entertainment shows when he was a member of MBLAQ and called him a handsome Kim Jong-min. He's not that outstanding either," he said, causing laughter. Then Dindin "It's much more empty than I thought"I helped.

As for the reason why Lee Joon decided to appear on a regular appearance in "1 Night 2 Days" ," it is good to be able to talk to people. Thank you." When he was first invited, he wondered, "Why on the day? Will it be okay?I thought ', but the biggest reason (for accepting an offer) was that I wanted to talk to people. Because I'm really alone..." he confessed.

When asked if he had any close celebrities, Lee Jun said, `I'm close to Jung Yong-hwa, Hwang Kwang-hee, Yoon Doo-joon, and Lim Si-wan. But actually, we don't even watch it among ourselves. If I see it, I see it, and if I think of it, I call you."

When Lee Jun said that he was scared because it was his first time to have a program without a script and no concept, Kim Jong-min believes that the success and failure of \'1 Night 2 Days' depend on Jun. If Jun makes a big hit, we'll make a big hit, too. I'm always rooting for Jun. Seriously. Pop a drama or a movie unconditionally," he said, drawing laughter.

In response, Moon Se-yoon asked "Is Lee Joon's success or Coyote's great success?" and Kim Jong-min responded without hesitation "There is a possibility that Lee Jun is present."