"The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off"...

Aug 13, 2024

'The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off'...

'The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off'...
'The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off'...
'The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off'...
'The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off'...
Lee Sang-yong recalled the touching reunion of the late siblings Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young as the most memorable episode of the 「The Stage of Friendship」.

On tvN's STORY 'Chairman's People', which aired on the 12th, Lee Sang-yong appeared and revealed the behind-the-scenes story of 'Friendship Stage', which was full of emotions and tears.

Broadcasting from 1989 to 1997, 'Friendship Stage' is the first military entertainment show to be loved by the whole nation. Popular at the time 'Friendship Stage' As a result, when love calls poured out from each unit, the Army headquarters designated the date directly.

There were 4,300 troops visited by Lee Sang-yong, and 800 military uniforms matched by the Army, Navy, and Air Force at the time were surprising. In addition, Lee Sang-yong, who also showed up various military equipment, once made the opening remarks on the tank. There was also a time when I took a helicopter and put my foot outside. I was scared."

On top of that, the idols of the armed forces, including Kim Wan-sun, Shin Hyo-beom, Kang Soo-ji, and Yeom Jung-ah, were all out, and there were about 8,000 soldiers gathering to see the 「Friendship Stage」, which surprised them again.

'The late Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young reunite with the military office → 20 days off'...
In particular, Lee Sang-yong recalled the late Choi Jin-sil as the most memorable episode of the numerous stories. Lee Sang-yong "Choi Jin-sil came out as a cast member. At that time, I said 'My brother is in this unit'Where is Choi Jin-sil?' I raised my hand and asked him to come out because he said 'Yes' and he came out.' I remembered the reunion of the brother and sister that I still remember clearly.

Lee Sang-yong asked "What's your wish?"I said "I want to take my younger brother" When I asked the commander "What's Choi Jin-sil's wish?" and he sent me a vacation on the 20th," he said, expressing his emotional behind-the-scenes story.

At that time, Kim Yong-gun said "It's cool" in a special gift given to his brother and sister, "Even if I can't go, isn't there a vicarious satisfaction?" The same soldiers also applaud. "I feel like I'm on vacation, like my mother, running up the stage, cheering and crying together," he said, talking about the atmosphere at the time when he was happy and sad as if it were his job.
