Mina's sister-in-law's explanation of the malicious comments about the age difference of 16 years "What I took and posted with consent"

Aug 04, 2024

Mina's sister-in-law's explanation of the malicious comments about the age difference of 16 years 'What I took and posted with consent'
Singer Mina explained about the malicious comments that revealed the age of her 16-year-old sister-in-law.

Mina recently posted a dance challenge video taken with her husband Ryu Philip's sister and sister-in-law. He said "All-cars and sisters-in-law with different interests. Suzy doesn't even put on toner because she sweats a lot. Her skin is so nice"I think this version is more interesting, bare-faced." It's fun, so let's do it again."

In the video released later, when Mina puts on makeup, her sister-in-law is eating bananas. Even then, he got up and danced together, creating a pleasant chemistry.

In particular, Mina's video is marked with the age of 'All-Cars (53), Sister-in-law (37)'. In response, some netizens expressed discomfort in emphasizing the age gap.

Then Mina says, "My husband took this video with my sister's consent and posted it when I was older." I didn't post it for comparison, but I worked hard to show that my sister-in-law respected each other and got along well even though she was 16 years younger.

Meanwhile, Mina married 17-year-old singer Ryu Phillip in 2018.
