Oh Eun-young "The deceased 父 refuses life-sustaining treatment..There is no favor in the child." Tears ('Counseling Center')

Aug 08, 2024

Oh Eun-young 'The deceased 父 refuses life-sustaining treatment..There is no favor in the child.' Tears ('Counseling Center')
Dr. Oh Eun-young shed tears thinking of her late father.

Channel A 'Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center', which aired on the 8th, featured music legend Ha Chun-hwa.

On this day, Ha Chun-hwa said, "My father passed away five years ago, and I have no idea what to do. He talks to himself as if he were next to him, but people around him worry about 'It's serious'"The emptiness of when only my father died after my mother passed away in November last year is indescribable. I feel like I'm standing alone in the empty field where my mind is not stable and there's no one here", he confessed his concern.

Then "My father passed away at the age of 101. A week before he passed away, he even ate raw beef, but his health gradually deteriorated due to his old age. But when my father refused life-sustaining treatment, my health rapidly deteriorated."

Dr. Oh Eun-young, who heard this, said "I also recently died. You passed away on June 5th, so I can understand your feelings very well" and wept and sympathized.

Dr. Oh Eun-young said "My father passed away at the age of 94, and he was a very regular person without side dishes or complaining about rice all his life. Recently, however, he has had a lot of appetite since a few months ago, and a few weeks before he died, he ate all of the fish sushi and left it. He recalled his father in his lifetime.

Then "My father had a similar idea, so I told him in advance not to give life-sustaining treatment. Before he passed away, he was in the intensive care unit for about 10 days, and my father held my hand and 'What's the point of living like this. I think it's too hard for my family. But I don't feel that way. So 'My father said, 'It's hard, but I think it's too selfish, but I want him to be next to me for one more day even if he's sick.'"

Kim Ji-min also recalled her father, who died of cirrhosis in 2017, saying, "I also had a special relationship with my father. Recently, what was so sad was that I kept texting the number even after my father died. But as time passed, my father's number disappeared. One day, I called because I remembered it, and I was so sad that it was a number that I didn't have. "

Park Na-rae said, `My father died when I was in the first year of high school, and my grandfather died last year.' `My grandfather died at the age of 90. People say they've lived healthy for a long time, but the story didn't make sense of it. Who decides how old a person is until. That was the comfort, but it was so hard for me that my grandfather left. It was so hard. Even the words of comfort didn't really comfort me. 'Can I send it to you that I went this well?He confessed, "I thought ' and kept feeling sorry.'

In response, Oh Eun-young said "Because he died because of his old age, many people say he died of old age. But I don't think there's a favor to a child," he said, sympathizing with Park Na-rae's words.

Oh Eun-young 'The deceased 父 refuses life-sustaining treatment..There is no favor in the child.' Tears ('Counseling Center')
Meanwhile, Eun-young Oh explained '5th stage reaction of loss and frustration'. He said "There is a reaction that people see when they experience this great heartache and sadness. First, I deny it and then I get angry. Next time, you start negotiating, and after this period, you get depressed. After going through this process, at the end, we start accepting all the situations."

Then "I think I'm still a little sad. I accept it all with my head, but I'm still very sad at heart. There is a guardian visit sticker I received when my father was hospitalized, and I put it on the back of my cell phone. But even though he died, he still can't take it off. I think I'm still in a sad phase" he said.

Kim Ji-min, who left her father eight years ago, said, `I think I accepted it in a good way. But in the years after my father's death, I also talked to myself (to him) before I went on air."

Jeong Hyeong-don "I've been away from my mother for about two and a half years, but to be honest, I can't think of it well. Rather, they focus on reality. Since life with my wife and two daughters is such a fierce period, sometimes when I'm having a hard time after work, I have a picture of my mother's portrait in the dressing room, and I go there and say, 'Mom, I made money today' and pet the picture.'" In response, Dr. Oh Eun-young explained "Standard money can be seen as a stage of acceptance".

Park Na-rae said "I feel like I'm in a stage of sadness and acceptance. Sometimes, if I dream, I don't think I'm dead." Kim Ji-min said "I also see my father in my dreams very often. He often comes out of various places, he said, expressing his longing for his father.
