Park Soo-hong gained 25kg due to hormonal changes ♥ Kim Daye 'Disappointed'.."The examiner is having a hard time because of me" ('Shudol')

Aug 19, 2024

Park Soo-hong gained 25kg due to hormonal changes ♥ Kim Daye 'Disappointed'..'The examiner is having a hard time because of me' ('Shudol')

Park Soo-hong expressed his sorry and gratitude to his wife, Kim Daye, who had to undergo in vitro procedures because of him.

Park Soo-hong joined KBS 2TV 'Superman Is Back' (hereinafter 'Shudol') as the new Superman.

Park Soo-hong, who appeared for the first time in 「Sudol」 as a father of abalone (born name), said "I can't believe I appeared in"Sudol". I was originally "My ugly little guy" but I can't believe I became Superman."

Park Soo-hong, who registered his marriage to Kim Daye, 23 years his junior in 2021, married in 2022 after not having a wedding for about a year and a half. Daye is a tree that gives me generously. Even though I'm not good enough, you love me a lot, you suffer when you're in trouble, and you always show me a bright side in front of me. I met someone who was so nice, grateful and brave. You don't know how much you love me." He expressed his deep affection for his wife.

Park Soo-hong said "It must have been because I had a lot of hard work, but I didn't have enough time to endure my body. He said he lost nearly 30kg and felt malnourished when he had a medical examination. All the figures were at rock bottom. When I went to the hospital, I said I had no body fat and lost all my bone density. It was as if a piece of wood was walking around"He confessed that his health condition was serious due to the stress of litigation with his brother and his wife."

Then "So I didn't have a child even though I wanted to. I didn't play the role of a man. The sperm activity was so low that I had no choice but to do an in vitro procedure"I cried because I felt sorry that Kim Daye had a difficult in vitro procedure because of herself.

Park Soo-hong said "The teacher told me to prepare my mind (due to the failure of the procedure). I don't know how much I cried with my wife in the car on the way back. I had to comfort her, but it didn't comfort her. And the next time I went for a test, I miraculously became pregnant. I cried with joy"I think pregnancy is the most meaningful thing a person can do in his or her life."

Park Soo-hong gained 25kg due to hormonal changes ♥ Kim Daye 'Disappointed'..'The examiner is having a hard time because of me' ('Shudol')
Park Soo-hong, who went to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic with Kim Daye, who is 28 weeks pregnant, said "I was so surprised last time. Gestational diabetes (hereinafter referred to as 'im sugar') levels were too high. So I managed my diet, but I was worried. Then "The party is my fault. There's nothing I didn't eat after I got pregnant. I ate six meals a day. That's too much"It's really Daye's health is number one these days," he said.

Park Soo-hong and Kim Daye were relieved to hear that the wage party's figures were stable. Afterwards, he heard Abalone's healthy heart sound through ultrasound and checked his face. Park Soo-hong said "I never dreamed of getting married. I never dreamed of having a baby. It was painful enough to make me hate humans, but now the world is not afraid."

Meanwhile, Park Soo-hong showed a 'lover' aspect of giving full-body massages such as hands, feet, and pelvis for Kim Daye, who gained 25kg as hormones changed after pregnancy. He added "I'm so upset that I've gained a lot of weight. It swells up a lot. Boogie is beyond imagination,' he said in pity.

Kim Daye, who is in charge of the victim's human rights team at a law firm, worked from home even while pregnant and did not let go of her work. In response, Park Soo-hong said "What my wife is doing now is helping me a lot. (Documents necessary for the court) are arranged and sent directly. They sit for about five to six hours a day. I feel so sorry for that. " In fact, I wish I could marry a normal age, but I was covered in filth because I was next to me. I was caught in a witch hunt. When we went to the mart together, people murmured, saying 'Drugs'"He was heartbroken when he recalled Kim Daye, who had a hard time because of himself.

Park Soo-hong was hurt a lot just because he was a celebrity's spouse. It was when my distrust of people grew, but my wife saved me. I was distracted by Chus, but he comforted me even in that situation. I've been through a lot that I shouldn't have been through because of me. Someone who cried a lot because of me. He said sorry.

Then "Even now, I still ask sometimes. Why didn't you leave me? 'If I had left, my brother would have been 1000% wrong.'" If I was completely eating and drinking with desperation, I forced him to come and eat next to me and asked him to stand up and walk. They shared such hardships together and endured them together, and met someone who was so good, grateful, and brave. Thank you and I will pay you back for the rest of my life, be nice and cherish you."