"Please save me" Tzuyang's Scream →"Invigorating Public Opinion"Gasayeon..a hellish reality with even a transcript of sexual assault

Aug 02, 2024

 'Please save me' Tzuyang's Scream →'Invigorating Public Opinion'Gasayeon..a hellish reality with even a transcript of sexual assault
Real Edition 'I saw the devil' It's in itself. The worst revenge porn suffered by eating YouTuber Tzuyang (real name Park Jung-won) is facing a backlash due to reckless suspicions and numerous misunderstandings. In the end, Tzuyang, who couldn't bear it, even brought out a transcript containing the sexual assault situation that she didn't want to reveal to the world, but even this, he said 'incitement of public opinion', and put the victim into hell fire once again.

Earlier on the 11th of last month, Tzuyang confessed to the four-year assault, intimidation, and extortion of more than 4 billion won from his ex-boyfriend and former agency CEO Lee through a live broadcast on his YouTube channel. Tzuyang, who has been threatened and gaslighted by Lee, filed a criminal complaint against Lee because he could no longer bear it, but Lee later dropped the first complaint when he came to the company and asked for leniency. However, as Lee violated the agreement he made at the time on the condition that he and Tzuyang drop the complaint, Tzuyang inevitably proceeded with the second criminal complaint. Lee promised not to mention Tzuyang's past history anymore, but the case grew out of control as Lee's past information was exposed to his lawyer Choi, and again lawyer Choi delivered Tzuyang's past information to YouTubers such as foot-and-mouth disease, caracula, and national team. Foot-and-mouth disease, caracula, and national teams used it to viciously harass Tzuyang, and Tzuyang could no longer overlook it, so she filed a second complaint against Lee. However, the criminal case was closed when Lee, who was sued again, reached an extreme choice and eventually received a non-transmission decision of 'No right to prosecute'.

Tzuyang informed the world of her revenge porn damage through live broadcasts, and foot-and-mouth disease and national teams accused of it were arrested. Currently, foot-and-mouth disease, which threatened and extorted money under the pretext of Tzuyang's past history, caracula, and lawyer Choi are also under arrest today (2nd).

Among them, the YouTube channel 'Garosero Research Center' (hereinafter 'Garoseyeon') which first put Tzuyang's revenge porn case on the surface turned and demanded Tzuyang's explanation, taking issue with the procedure of abortion surgery, tax evasion, and working at entertainment establishments. In particular, he even mobilized Lee's own sister, the former head of Tzuyang's agency, to create an issue of 'abortion', attacking Tzuyang with more provocative content than the fact of the damage.

In the end, on the 1st, Tzuyang posted an article and video on his YouTube channel, "It's the last explanation video," bringing up painful memories and completely refuting rumors and suspicions surrounding him.

 'Please save me' Tzuyang's Scream →'Invigorating Public Opinion'Gasayeon..a hellish reality with even a transcript of sexual assault
"I didn't want to explain anymore, but due to various suspicions, not only me but also those around me were harmed, so I was able to broadcast," Tzuyang said. "The reason why I couldn't reveal that I had an abortion surgery is because it was related to the sexual assault case that was revealed during the first live broadcast. After the broadcast of 'Gah Se-yeon', I heard a lot that he was playing the victim's costume. They also suspected the recording. I have no choice but to make it public." He then released a transcript and a transcript containing the circumstances in which Lee sexually assaulted him. The recording released on that day shows how Tzuyang did not want Lee to sexually assault her. In addition, the shocking situation was represented through notarized transcripts that could not be released.

In addition, the recording of the assault, which was briefly released on Tzuyang's first live broadcast, caused a stir, was added. In addition to pouring out abusive language toward Tzuyang, Tzuyang was recorded being assaulted by Lee. In particular, when Lee, who learned that Tzuyang attempted to record to prove and report Lee's assault, was angry and wielded more violent violence, Tzuyang's voice screaming "Save me" was also included, adding to the shock.

Tzuyang was forced to break up in addition to the recordings. There were countless times. I had an unwanted pregnancy and so I had surgery in the hospital. This is the first time I knew that my name could have been stolen. Lee's sister, who watched the show, contacted us because she was not sure about the name theft because she heard it, but she said there was no record. We also asked for confirmation again, but we received a reply that there was no record again. If the theft of my name is confirmed, I will impose another punishment on him because I broke the law even if I didn't know it," he bowed his head.

In addition to tax evasion, Tzuyang "Lee managed all my personal accounts and tax processing at the time. I suggested that we settle the accounts in principle, but (Lee) was particularly sensitive about the money story. There were suspicions of tax evasion during the tax investigation because the representative did not pay the tax and did not settle the accounts", he explained.

I met Lee for the first time while working at an entertainment bar, and the suspicion that working at an entertainment bar was not forced began with Lee's coercion. It was the beginning of the business that allowed me to go around karaoke as a means of making money. I saw a text message on Lee's mobile phone that conspired with an acquaintance to send me to a place where I can earn more money. He revealed a capture of a message shared between Lee and his acquaintance to prove this.

Tzuyang can't even defend her last. Even in Tzuyang, who once again brought up the painful damage, 'Gaseyeon' did not stop. After the final explanation video of Tzuyang, I watched the video of "Tzuyang 'Appraisal Appeal' instigating public opinion. There wasn't any explanation we asked for. Please don't water down our request. We are a channel that revealed and punished those who threatened Tzuyang to extort money. However, retribution is retribution, and it is no longer acceptable to make Tzuyang itself a 'sanctuary'. Lee is a bad guy, and Tzuyang's lies are one thing. I hope you don't appeal to emotions, but only answer the three requests for explanation that we asked for.'
