Ham So-won is "reunited", Evolution is "New Day"Another Mixed Divorce Signal

Aug 17, 2024

 Ham So-won is 'reunited', Evolution is 'New Day'Another Mixed Divorce Signal

Broadcasters Ham So-won and Jinhwa took different positions after reporting the news of their divorce.

On the 17th, Jinhwa posted a picture saying, `New Day.' In the released photo, he is seen wearing a headset and staring at the camera.

Ham So-won officially announced his divorce from Jin-hwa through a live broadcast on the 16th.

Ham So-won said she already divorced Jin-hwa in December 2022 and decided to divorce her because she did not want to show her parents fighting in front of her daughter, Hye-jeong. However, he said that although he is legally a man, he lives in the same house as Jinhwa for his daughter, and he still likes Jinhwa, so he has thoughts of reuniting.

 Ham So-won is 'reunited', Evolution is 'New Day'Another Mixed Divorce Signal
However, Jinhwa showed different signs of divorce by posting a post that seemed to have a fresh start in mind, saying 'New Day'.

Ham So-won and Jin-hwa married in 2017 and had a daughter, Hye-jeong. The two were involved in two divorces, in 2021 and 2023, but each time, they made an explanation to the effect that they had reconciled, although it was partly true that they had feuds. In addition, Jinhwa recently released a photo of a wound on her face, saying she had been subjected to domestic violence by Ham So-won, but she soon said that it was a misunderstanding.
