`What do you mean a monster?' Choi Jun-hee, is it too much to lose 44kg..Shocking Hospital Examination Results

Aug 26, 2024

What do you mean a monster?' Choi Jun-hee, is it too much to lose 44kg..Shocking Hospital Examination Results
photo capture=Choi Jun-hee SNS

Choi Jun-hee, the daughter of the late actor Choi Jin-sil, said she suffered from synovitis while preparing for a body profile.

Choi Jun-hee posted on her SNS on the 25th that `I thought it was just inflammation for 3 months, but it was necrosis..^^ I won't put my life on the barf next year" published some of the hospital medical certificates with the text.

The medical certificate read "Other synovitis and tendon synovitis, pelvic and thigh arthroplasty NOS, and others".

Earlier, Choi Joon-hee recently revealed that she lost 47 kilograms of weight after revealing a couple's body profile taken with her boyfriend.

Afterwards, Choi Jun-hee revealed that she was receiving hospital treatment, saying, `There is no abnormality in normal liver levels, normal kidney and kidney levels, normal blood levels, and normal thyroid and hormone lupus. I have to diet healthy." However, it was revealed that necrosis occurred shortly afterwards, causing fans to worry.

Meanwhile, Choi Jun-hee, who was born in 2003 and is 21 years old, is currently working as a influencer. He drew attention by announcing that he had swollen up to 91kg due to Loops disease in the past, but recently lost 47kg through body profile preparation.
