Yoo Byung-jae "Emergency room more than 50 times the liver's average, being treated with medication after hospitalization"

Aug 01, 2024

Yoo Byung-jae 'Emergency room more than 50 times the liver's average, being treated with medication after hospitalization'

Broadcaster Yoo Byung-jae surprised fans by revealing his recent visit to the emergency room.

Yoo Byung-jae recently posted a video on his YouTube channel titled 「Yoo Byung-jae who got goosebumps after visiting the emergency room」.

In the video released, Yoo Byung-jae "I did a blood test once. To start with the results, I know that the average liver level is about 40, but it's 2,000." Then "(The medical staff) "There is a possibility that I need to go into surgery today". When I got counseling, Kyu-sun wasn't there. When I came out of the clinic, I thought it was worse than I thought, so I told him separately."," he said, referring to Yoo Kyu-sun, CEO of the agency Black Paper, who accompanied him to the hospital at the time.

Yoo Byung-jae 'Emergency room more than 50 times the liver's average, being treated with medication after hospitalization'
But " (while Yoo Byung-jae was being treated) came out after receiving diet pills."When I was waiting for treatment, they said 'I'm counting'I'm counting', and it turned out that they were selling a diet pill called Saxenda. I got real goosebumps."

Then, Yoo Kyu-sun, who appeared in a hurry, tried to explain "No, my explanation", but the video ended at that moment.

Since then, as voices of concern for Yoo Byung-jae's health have risen, CEO Yoo Kyu-sun said in a phone call with a media outlet that `he did not undergo surgery and should take good care of himself in the future.' `He was hospitalized for about two days in the hospital, and his liver level has decreased a lot now.'
