Yoon Seung-ah succeeded in losing 16kg in just one year of childbirth "Current 48kg" Steady Maintenance Theater

Aug 25, 2024

Yoon Seung-ah succeeded in losing 16kg in just one year of childbirth 'Current 48kg' Steady Maintenance Theater

Actor Yoon Seung-ah revealed her diet secret after giving birth.

On the 25th, on the YouTube channel 'Seungahroun', Yuziter's diet continues. From diet to exercise, a video titled ' was posted.

Yoon Seung-ah said "Summer is almost over and autumn begins, and in autumn, you have to dress up." `I think a period of stagnation in diet has come. I'm trying hard on my diet and there are important shoots, so I'm trying hard."

Yoon Seung-ah's diet for a week was then revealed. Yoon Seung-ah, who ate healthy diets such as fruit salad and shrimp egg dishes, said "I try to eat healthy and hearty for about two meals a day."

Yoon Seung-ah caught a cold while on a diet, but Yoon Seung-ah continued to exercise, saying, `I'm so sick today, but I'm going to warm up because I have a few days left to film.'

Yoon Seung-ah succeeded in losing 16kg in just one year of childbirth 'Current 48kg' Steady Maintenance Theater
It's finally the day of filming. Yoon Seung-ah said, `I lost about 1kg of weight. due to a cold. He coughed and said, "(I fell out)", and the staff said, `You're sick from eating a diet. If you eat a diet, you lose your immunity. Aren't you sick because you're on a diet. Put on weight again."

When asked "How many kilograms did you lose?" Yoon Seung-ah said, "I was 64kg in a year of childbirth, but did I lose 16kg?"We now weigh 48 kg," he said.

The staff said "It's said that you're going to succeed in dieting outside" and Yoon Seung-ah said "Then it's okay. Actually, I only lost 1kg. You can do it, too. What's the point of losing 1kg every time. We will be able to get closer to the target."
