Defconn and Song Hae-na reignite romance rumors'Nasol'In-house couple will be born('Trade Secrets')

Sep 22, 2024

Defconn and Song Hae-na reignite romance rumors'Nasol'In-house couple will be born('Trade Secrets')

In Channel A's life-oriented detective true-life drama 'Detectives' Trade Secrets', we start tracking down fraudsters in the illegal waste dumping case '3,000 tons', which was the talk of the town. The 'Seagull Detectives' have stepped up to the greatest scale of events ever. In addition, Ahn Jin-yong, a reporter from the Ministry of Culture and 500,000 YouTubers, will go out to cover the popularity of Tambi.

In the `Channel A Detectives' Trade Secrets' section `Detective 24:00`, which will air on the 23rd (Monday), `Seagull Detectives' who returned after a long time will take on the all-time scale of viewer cases. Captain Lee Sang-min is "Mask, glasses, gloves! You don't have to wear it if you want to die soon!", creating tension by fully armed, reminiscent of a quarantine officer.

The client, in this case, closed the recycling plant and lent the recycling plant site after receiving a down payment first from a fraudster who wanted to build a new recycling plant on the site. The client showed favor to a fraudster about his daughter's age by delaying the deposit payment date, but the fraudster lost contact with about 1 billion won worth of medical and industrial waste.

The street was blackened by leachate that flowed out just two months after the lease, and the villagers contacted the client first, and the situation was belatedly identified. It was a mountain of waste that greeted the client who rushed to the factory, which was two hours away. The client, who quit recycling due to his old age and lent the factory site, shook his head, saying, `My husband is shocked and even shows symptoms of dementia.' To make matters worse, due to the waste left by the criminal, he was fined, taxed, and investigated by the police, and even covered up the joint responsibility.

Defconn and Song Hae-na reignite romance rumors'Nasol'In-house couple will be born('Trade Secrets')
Lawyer Nam Seong-tae, a legal adviser, said "The prosecution and the recovery of the damage are different. The fraudster must have been well aware of the administrative process"There are a lot of these crimes happening. " he expressed regret. He added: "In 2022, a group of people illegally dumped 40,000 tons of waste and illegally acquired 9.2 billion won," he shook his head. Kim Poong was astonished, saying, `Did the swindler make about a billion won in profits?'

When the requested 'Seagull Detectives' opened the door of the closed factory, the MCs could not close their mouths due to the enormous amount of waste. Even 'Group 1 carcinogens' asbestos was hidden everywhere and could not be easily touched. Even in the dangerous scene 'Seagull Detectives' jumped curiously and raised expectations.

Meanwhile, reporter Ahn Jin-yong, a 500,000 YouTuber and 19th-year cultural journalist, appeared in the 'case notebook'. Defconn tried to gain a head start as "'Dopamine Detective', saying "Does a celebrity feel jubilant when he goes in and out with an article I wrote?" Reporter Ahn Jin-yong said, "(Celebrity's image) is very shocking about the reaction when it falls. If (the celebrity) fails to return, he or she will be caught with a thorn in his or her mind"I told him honestly. In addition to this, reporter Ahn said "Is Song Hae-na and Defconn's relationship really a business?"It is expected to be a thrilling battle between a cultural journalist and a celebrity.

The true story of life-oriented detective 'Detectives' Trade Secrets' will air on Channel A at 9:30 p.m. on Monday, September 23.