"Did your husband give birth to your daughter?" Honey J lost 20kg just one year after giving birth

Sep 06, 2024

'Did your husband give birth to your daughter?' Honey J lost 20kg just one year after giving birth
Dancer Honey J showed off her perfect body even after giving birth.

On the 5th, Honey J showed off her more beautiful appearance with a mirror selfie. He showed off his lean body line in a cropped T-shirt and a super mini skirt. In particular, solid abs catch the eye.

'Did your husband give birth to your daughter?' Honey J lost 20kg just one year after giving birth
The fans said "Did your father give birth to the child. What's wrong with your body?"Are you sure you really gave birth to a baby? I envy you","Share the management secret", and so on.

Meanwhile, Honey J married a fashion industry worker a year younger in 2022 and gave birth to a daughter in 2023. He said he gained 20kg after getting pregnant, but he returned to his perfect body, drawing attention.
