'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah "♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible" Revealed the reality

Sep 03, 2024

'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
Jaurim Kim Yoon-ah revealed the reality of her husband, dentist Kim Hyung-kyu.

In SBS 'Dongsang Imong Season 2 - You Are My Destiny' (hereinafter 'Dongsang Imong 2'), which aired on the 2nd, a trailer for the appearance of Kim Yoon-ah and Kim Hyung-kyu couple was released.

On this day, Kim Yuna introduced himself as a musician in the 28th year since his debut, and Kim Hyung-gyu introduced himself as a companion of Kim Yuna for 18 years and a month, wife... Kim Hyung-gyu, who lives with the queen, said hello. Then, Kim Yun-ah immediately said "It's long" to make people laugh.

Kim Hyung-kyu, who has been married for 19 years, said, `At first, I had a stubbornness and so on, but in the end, I thought 'It's good for me to listen to my wife well' and Kim Yun-ah said 'It's only in words.'

Kim Yoon-ah then said, `I don't keep my promise well, I'm not responsible, and I still have to learn how to communicate maturely," he said, revealing his husband's reality. Then, Kim Hyung-gyu vehemently denied it, saying "I have an objection" and "I think it may not necessarily be so"

'Dongsang Imong 2'Kim Yoon-ah '♥Kim Hyung-kyu, don't keep his promise, don't be responsible' Revealed the reality
Since then, the couple's daily life has been disclosed. Kim Hyung-kyu is lying on the sofa eating corn at dawn when everyone is asleep. Kim Hyung-kyu, the original Um Chin-ah from Seoul National University's dental school, is a hot dentist these days, but he drew attention at home with an unsealed twist.

The next morning, the son, who couldn't see it, told his mother "Yesterday, a bag of snacks came out of his father's room. "I must have eaten at night..." Kim Yun-ah accused him, and he spilled everything on the couch. It's messy."

Kim Yun-ah is the second son, Kim Hyung-gyu. He said, "He is a son who has a lot of tears." However, Kim Hyung-gyu predicted the greatest battle of Imong, saying, "Absolutely not."
