Girls' Generation Suyeong, commemorating the late Park Seung-il "Drawing an older brother who will run around the wheel of heaven"

Sep 26, 2024

Girls' Generation Suyeong, commemorating the late Park Seung-il 'Drawing an older brother who will run around the wheel of heaven'

Suyeong of Girls' Generation paid tribute to the late Park Seung-il.

On the 26th, Suyeong posted a long article, saying, `Now I can picture my brother running around in heaven while playing his favorite basketball again.'

He then went on to say, "How did I run toward my dream so persistently and consistently during my three years of sitting there looking at the ceiling and the sky every day.. I dare not understand that, but I will never stop cheering for you until your dream comes true," he added.

In the meantime, "I ask all of you who are watching this article to show a lot of interest and love until the completion of the Lou Gehrig Nursing Hospital. #Seungil Hope Foundation.

On the 25th, the Seungil Hope Foundation "Co-CEO Park Seung-il was 53 years old at Seoul National University Hospital in Bundang." he said. He was 53.

The Seungil Hope Foundation said, `CEO Park Seungil lived according to his belief and now hopes that he will put down all the weight of his life and rest in peace in heaven.'

A mortuary was set up in Room 10 on the 3rd floor of the funeral hall of Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, and the coffin will be borne out at 7 a.m. on the 27th

Meanwhile, co-CEO Park Seung-il finished studying in the U.S. after working as a basketball player at Yonsei University and Kia Motors, and was appointed as the youngest professional basketball coach at Hyundai Mobis in 2002. However, he was confirmed to have Lou Gehrig's disease in the same year when he was appointed as a coach and endured a battle with strong will and faith for 23 years.

Immediately after the confirmation of Lou Gehrig's disease, co-CEO Park Seung-il had a dream of building a Lou Gehrig's nursing hospital for his patients with Lou Gehrig's disease and his family's difficult disease-fighting environment. Since then, the Seungil Hope Foundation was established in 2011 with Sean to push for the establishment of a Lou Gehrig nursing hospital for patients with Lou Gehrig's disease, and construction of the world's first Lou Gehrig nursing hospital began in December last year, but he died before completion, causing regret.

Next is the full text of swimming

Now I see my brother running around in heaven while playing his favorite basketball again. For 23 years, I have been sitting there looking at the ceiling and the sky every day, and how I have run toward my dream so persistently and consistently.. I dare not understand that, but I will not stop cheering until my brother's dream comes true. I would like to ask all of you who are watching this article to show a lot of interest and love until the completion of the Lou Gehrig Nursing Hospital.