Hive, who stuck to the principle, will respond to the New Jeans ultimatum 'Min Hee-jin returns'

Sep 24, 2024

Hive, who stuck to the principle, will respond to the New Jeans ultimatum 'Min Hee-jin returns'
Newzins had a meeting with Kim Joo-young, CEO of Door. Attention is focusing on how far Newzins' demands will be accepted.

According to the music industry on the 24th, the members of the New Jeans held a meeting with Kim Joo-young, the new representative of Audor, with their parents on the afternoon of the 23rd. This is two days away from the 25th that Newzins demanded.

The specific negotiation plan is not yet known as to what conclusion the two sides have reached. However, it is known that the members of the New Jeans have stuck to their previous position of asking for former CEO Min Hee-jin to be returned.

Newzins hosted a live broadcast on its own decision on the 11th. In the broadcast, the members of New Jeans revealed Hive, saying they suffered from unfair demands and pressure from staff members after Min Hee-jin's dismissal as CEO of Airdor. In particular, Hani was told "Ignore the Hive manager "Ignore him" to another artist in front of him. I didn't understand why I had to be subjected to such a thing." When I told the new CEO, he said there was no evidence and I just tried to let it go" he also vented.

At the same time, the members "Please don't disturb me. Please return the CEO to the original door instead of the current unfamiliar environment and people. "I'm saying this because this is a way to not fight Hive. Mr. Bang, and Mr. Hive, I hope you will give me a wise answer to return the door to its original state by the 25th."

Hive, who stuck to the principle, will respond to the New Jeans ultimatum 'Min Hee-jin returns'
However, the majority opinion is that Hive is unlikely to accept Newzins' argument. CEO Lee Jae-sang, who was officially appointed as Hive's new CEO earlier, said at an extraordinary shareholders' meeting held the day after Newgene's broadcast, `It will take time, but we will respond calmly according to the principle.'"Hive is a company that follows the principle and pursues quality management." There is no change in this tone. Looking back now, those who obeyed the principles have become the last winners."

Meanwhile, former CEO Min Hee-jin filed a provisional injunction with the Seoul Central District Court to convene an extraordinary shareholders' meeting and re-elect the inside director of the company.