Hive's side "Newzins "Denigrate Daily Performance"Absolutely not. I just corrected the wrong information

Sep 25, 2024

Hive's side 'Newzins 'Denigrate Daily Performance'Absolutely not. I just corrected the wrong information
Hive countered allegations that he disparaged the performance of his singer, New Jeans.

On the 25th, Hive refuted the story from CBS Radio 'Kim Hyun-jung's News Show' on its official website.

Jang Hyung-woo, a reporter of the Seoul Shimbun, appeared on Kim Hyun-jung's news show"Hive's public relations team intentionally distorts and disparages the performance of Newzins"

Reporter Jang said, "Fact correction should be done. But (Hive's request) felt malicious. During the call at the time, CEO Min Hee-jin, who has a less than 20% stake, also asked how he could steal management control. Then (a Hive PR official) said that the members of Newzins were gaslighted to Min" he revealed.

In addition, reporter Jang claimed that he tried to capture him with golf entertainment, and released the transcript, sparking controversy.

In response, Hive wrote, referring to Newzins' performance in Japan on July 17, that the success of the performance was '102,000 albums were sold locally only'" " However, as of that time, about 50,000 copies were sold in Japan and more than 900,000 copies were sold in Korea. As a corporate PR manager, I asked for a correction because I could not leave the wrong information intact.'

"If 1.02 million copies were sold in Japan alone, as mentioned in the article, it can be estimated that tens of millions of copies were sold in the global market. If the wrong information is left as it is, it could cause great confusion to the market and investors, so the request for correction was made. As a corporate PR officer, there is absolutely no reason to say negatively about Newzyn's performance" countered.

Regarding the gaslighting remarks mentioned by reporter Jang, he asked "How is it possible to steal management control when the reporter is less than 20% of the stake?" and the expression came from the answer process in the entertainment industry that producers and artists can try regardless of their stake if they are strongly bound. The golf schedule with the head of the media department was scheduled in May, long before reporter Jang's phone recording, but it was canceled because it was not appropriate to proceed at a sensitive time as the situation changed."

The reporter recorded a business call with the PR officer and leaked it to the other side of the dispute, and in July, the company sent a certificate of contents to the media to protest"And yet, as a reporter, he appeared on the show and disclosed the contents of his phone call with the publicist without the consent of the other party. As a reporter who must protect the inconvenience, it is a serious violation of work ethics. We will respond sternly to this."

Meanwhile, attention is being paid to the results as today's 25th is the deadline for Newzins to demand the return of Min Hee-jin, former CEO of A-Door, to Hive, the parent company of his agency A-Door.