`I've never learned it.' Lee Ji-hyun brags about her daughter's self-study piano 'idol mom DNA' I'm proud

Sep 27, 2024

I've never learned it.' Lee Ji-hyun brags about her daughter's self-study piano 'idol mom DNA' I'm proud

Lee Ji-hyun, a Jewelry native, was happy to discover her daughter's talent.

On the 26th, Lee Ji-hyun released a video on her account, saying, `Seoyoon, who has never attended a piano academy, and who has never been interested in piano, has recently shown interest in piano and is playing on YouTube.

In the video, Seo-yoon, a daughter who plays the electronic piano skillfully, is shown.

Then "They want me to send them to the academy. I'm thinking about it because I think I'm going to do it for a second. My mom told me to learn from her because she hit Cherny 30 when she was young. I'm not going to major in piano."

Lee Ji-hyun's son was diagnosed with ADHD, but his daughter's talent is also attracting attention as she is growing up as a math gifted child.

Meanwhile, Lee Ji-hyun, born in 1983, is raising her two children alone after suffering from two divorces.
