Jaurim Kim Yoon-ah confesses to cerebral nerve attack"The vitality is fading"

Sep 03, 2024

Jaurim Kim Yoon-ah confesses to cerebral nerve attack'The vitality is fading'
Jaurim Kim Yuna shared her recent situation after confessing to a cerebral nerve attack.

On the 3rd, Woo-rim "Secondary Battery Day again." Please take good care of me this month as well," he said, posting a photo.

In the released photo, Kim Yoon-ah was lying on the bed of the hospital room and staring at the camera while undergoing an IV, causing regret.

Kim Yoon-ah then said, "I'm having a dream party when I'm sick these days, but I guess it's because my energy value is faint..I'm going to grill Wonki mushroom and Wonki bath and fill up the food section," he added.

Earlier in July, Kim Yun-ah appeared on YouTube channel 'Sebashi Lecture' and confessed to a cerebral nerve attack.

"I made Jaurim's 8th full-length album in 2011 and my immune system became so weak that I had cerebral nerve paralysis," Kim Yun-ah said. "He is an innate immune deficiency and is still receiving treatment every month. At that time, brain nerve paralysis affected the sense of smell, hearing, taste, pain, cold and warm, from the face to the upper body muscles and the vagus nerve, causing problems" he said.

In addition, several functions have not been properly returned due to the aftereffects of paralysis until now. "In fact, some vocal disorders remain. This is being suppressed by force.'

"Fortunately, my hearing and muscles have recovered to some extent, so I can work as you can see, but after that experience, I always thought 'This might be my last work. That's why I'm working even more and more with everything I can do."

Then "I don't know when the last time will come, so I thought I should burn it the brightest at this moment." Life is the same. If you don't know when this last point will come, if you don't know when death will come, shouldn't you be living your best here today?" he said, surprising fans.
