Kang Min-kyung's health is on red light. "He's taking care of his blood sugar level on the last train"

Sep 30, 2024

Kang Min-kyung's health is on red light. 'He's taking care of his blood sugar level on the last train'
Kang Min-kyung's health is on red light. 'He's taking care of his blood sugar level on the last train'
Kang Min-kyung's health is on red light. 'He's taking care of his blood sugar level on the last train'
Kang Min-kyung's health is on red light. 'He's taking care of his blood sugar level on the last train'
Davichi Kang Min-kyung revealed her busy daily life with management.

On the 29th, a video was posted on the YouTube channel 'Gang Ming-kyung' saying "It's a management that can't stand because it's nervous if you don't."

On this day, Kang Min-kyung visited the hospital for skin care after exercising. Kang Min-kyung "I laser toning because I tend to get a lot of blemishes due to stage lighting. My blemishes have improved a lotDura" and "The teacher tends to make it weak considering my skin characteristics. Since it's a job shown, it's better to adjust it so that it doesn't swell or turn red."

In addition, Kang Min-kyung, who is managing her blood sugar, started the day eating lemon juice salty water and nuts. Kang Min-kyung likes coffee so much that she looks for coffee when she wakes up in the morning. He said "Of course it can't be good for you. My makeup artist woke up in the morning and said lemon? He told me to drink a cup of salty water and drink coffee."

I also went to the hospital to manage my vocal cords. Kang Min-kyung "I came for an examination because I could prevent it from getting worse only when I was a little uncomfortable", and a vocal cord endoscopy was performed. In response, the doctor "The left vocal cord is a little swollenKang Min-kyung, who was diagnosed with " and later received emergency medicine, also conducted vocal lessons in connection with the results of vocal cord treatment.

Kang Min-kyung's health is on red light. 'He's taking care of his blood sugar level on the last train'
Kang Min-kyung, who is a singer and currently doing various jobs such as fashion brand CEO and YouTuber, also revealed her own time management method.

Kang Min-kyung "I'm the type to do it once I think about it. That's the core of time management" and "I write down what I want to do as I think and get up in the morning and organize all the things I need to do today" he said. Then he said "To be honest, I'm really bad at time management. I'm the type to just do whatever I want. I think it's a time management tip not to hesitate," he said, describing his routine daily life.

In addition, Kang Min-kyung, who went to the event, met Um Jung-hwa and Jeong Jae-hyung and spent time. Kang Min-kyung also revealed her own mental management method, saying, "Jae-hyung oppa, who can be comforting just by being with her lovely sister Jeong-hwa, and "When I'm worried and worried about whether I'm going well right now, I feel like I'm getting a lot of things organized after meeting and talking to my heart out like this."
