Kim Jang-hoon said, "It's a living hardship after 20 billion donations..I think there's a broadcast manipulation." (Grade B hearing)

Sep 22, 2024

Kim Jang-hoon said, 'It's a living hardship after 20 billion donations..I think there's a broadcast manipulation.' (Grade B hearing)
Kim Jang-hoon claimed that his past life was edited by the devil.

On the 20th, singers Kim Jang-hoon, Bae Ki-sung, and Lee Se-jun appeared on the web entertainment show of the YouTube channel 『Content Production Institute』CONSO" and talked about them.

In the video, comedian Nam Ho-yeon "Kim Jang-hoon is a first-generation conceptual entertainer. At that time, donations were more than 20 billion wonDura" introduced Kim Jang-hoon. He then asked Kim Jang-hoon "It's a waste, right?" and Kim joked "A little" to make him laugh.

"I donated more than 20 billion won, and I confessed that I was living on TV."When asked ", Kim Jang-hoon said, "The broadcast seems to have been manipulated a little."

Kim Jang-hoon "It is true that the monthly rent was delayed by two months at the time. I met the building owner well. There are times when I'm pushed and sometimes I pay. Anyway, it's for me. But how I did it was at that time, I originally performed 18 times a month to save the commercial district while going around the market for no money, even during MERS. I was also worried about the commercial district of the market during COVID-19. So I went to the market broadcasting room and sang non-face-to-face. I took a picture of it (on the show) that it was good. However, the broadcast was broadcasted by singing in the market to pay the monthly rent. This is really a dirty trick." When Nam Ho-yeon heard this, he lamented that "This is really devil's editing"

Kim Jang-hoon also surprised everyone by saying that he recently donated 50 million won.

Bae Ki-sung "If you think about it, isn't this a real donation? I don't pay because I have time, but I think it's a real donation to make a donation for a good person," he said, expressing his admiration for Kim Jang-hoon's big heart.