Lee Jung-hyun is pregnant with her second child, weighing 46kg 'Surprise'.."Morning is bad. I'm losing weight"

Sep 13, 2024

Lee Jung-hyun is pregnant with her second child, weighing 46kg 'Surprise'..'Morning is bad. I'm losing weight'

The gender of actor Lee Jung-hyun's second child 'Bokbung' was revealed for the first time.

KBS 2TV 'New Release Pyeon Restaurant' (hereinafter 'Pyeon Restaurant'), which aired on the 13th, was decorated as the first episode of the 5th anniversary special.

On this day, Lee Jung-hyun responded to the question "'Pyeon Restaurant', "I've been with you since the early days, but I didn't have a baby at that time, didn't I?" After getting married, I started 'Pyeon Restaurant', and I think I started Act 2 of my life with 'Pyeon Restaurant'. I'm happy to be able to introduce my baby as well," he said, expressing his feelings about pregnancy.

Lee Jung-hyun in the VCR visited the obstetrics and gynecology clinic for a regular checkup of the 20th cycle of pregnancy.

In particular, Lee Jung-hyun, who weighed himself, was surprised to see that he weighed 46 kilograms despite his 20th pregnancy.

Lee Jung-hyun said "It's because I had too much morning sickness. I gained 3kg and lost 4kg. I threw up so much that I couldn't eat it."

Lee Jung-hyun is pregnant with her second child, weighing 46kg 'Surprise'..'Morning is bad. I'm losing weight'
A short time later, Lee Jung-hyun had an ultrasound examination. Lee Jung-hyun has all his fingers on the look of a lucky dog that has grown so muchHe asked ", and moved "It's so amazing"

In particular, he was moved by the sound of the roaring heart of the lucky ball.

Then, Lee Jung-hyun looked at the ultrasound and said, "Please show us, princess"I received a lot of congratulations for knowing that my second gender was a daughter.

In addition, Lee Jung-hyun found a part that looks exactly like her husband in the appearance of a lucky girl growing up in a net and said, `It's the same as my father. I'm in trouble because I look like my dad. You have to look like me," he said, drawing laughter.

Finally, Lee Jung-hyun, who visited the specialist to hear the results of the examination, said "I'm worried because I haven't eaten in the meantime. We weigh 46 kilograms.'

Fortunately, the baby is growing well according to the number of weeks. However, he advised Lee Jung-hyun, a mother, to gain 5-6 kilograms of weight for her health.
