"Min Hee-jin's proposal to produce New Jeans for 5 years"

Sep 25, 2024

'Min Hee-jin's proposal to produce New Jeans for 5 years'

'Min Hee-jin's proposal to produce New Jeans for 5 years'
Odor has decided to push for an extension of former CEO Min Hee-jin's term as an in-house director. However, he expressed his intention that he could not accept the request for the return of the CEO's position.

Audor announced on the 25th that it has decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to re-elect Min Hee-jin as an inside director at the board meeting today.

Earlier on the 11th, Adore proposed to Director Min Hee-jin to be in charge of producing New Jeans for the next five years. The five years are the entire period of the remaining contract with Newzins.

Former representative Min, who attended the board meeting as an in-house director, reportedly expressed his intention to accept the re-election of an in-house director for a three-year term.

However, Odor said, "The board of directors discussed today's demand for the return of the CEO position as unacceptable at this time" and "As basic guarantees have been made regarding the status, duration, and authority of the producer of Newzins, we expect to have discussions on specific conditions in the future."

Earlier on the 11th, Newzins demanded Min Hee-jin's return as a representative through an emergency live broadcast and revealed Hive, saying he suffered from unfair demands and pressure from staff members after Min Hee-jin's dismissal as CEO of Airdo.

At the time, New Jeans member Hani said "I was told by a Hive manager to another artist 'Ignore him" in front of him. I didn't understand why I had to be subjected to such a thing." When I told the new CEO, he said there was no evidence and I just tried to let it go" he also vented.

Audor delivered to the members of the board of directors by e-mail about what was discussed and various questions, and attention is being paid to what choice former CEO Min and Newzins will make.

▶Next is the full text of the official entrance of the door.

At today's board meeting, Odor decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to re-elect Min Hee-jin as an inside director.

On the morning of September 11, Audor had already proposed to Director Min Hee-jin to be in charge of producing Newzins for the next five years. Five years is the entire period of the remaining contract with Newzins.

However, the board of directors discussed today's demand for the return of the CEO's position as unacceptable at this time.

As basic guarantees have been made regarding the status, duration, and authority of the producer of Newzins, we expect to discuss specific conditions in the future.

Newzins members were given detailed answers via email about what was discussed at today's board meeting and various queries.
