Min Heejin, should I mention 'conflict with Hive'..100 people's lecture today.

Sep 27, 2024

Min Heejin, should I mention 'conflict with Hive'..100 people's lecture today.
Min Hee-jin, former CEO of A-door, who is in conflict with Hive, will give a lecture today (27th).

Former CEO Min Hee-jin will attend the '2024 Hyundai Card Da Vinci Motel' held in Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul on the 27th as a lecturer.

Former representative Min's lecture will run for about 100 minutes from 9 p.m. to 10:40 p.m. While the average lecture time of other speakers attending the event is about 50 minutes, Min gives lectures that are about twice as long. The theme of the lecture is 'K-pop's formula-breaking producer, Min Hee-jin's freestyle'.

However, since former representative Min is currently engaged in a truth battle with Hive, attention is focused on what kind of remarks he will make in this lecture.

Min Heejin, should I mention 'conflict with Hive'..100 people's lecture today.
Earlier, Hive-affiliated label Adore dismissed former CEO Min through a board meeting on August 27 and appointed Kim Joo-young as the new CEO.

In response, the members of Newzins gave an ultimatum to Hive in an emergency live broadcast on the 11th, saying "Return former CEO Min by the 25th (September)."

And on the 25th, Adore said it was impossible for former CEO Min to return to the leadership position, which was demanded by the members of the Newzins. However, he announced that he had pushed for the extension of former CEO Min's term as an in-house director and proposed producing Newzins for the next five years.

In response, former CEO Min said "There was no sincere proposal, such as deleting numerous toxic provisions such as unilateral cancellation rights in the draft, only saying that they would extend the contract period."He pointed out that the expression "presentation of a compromise plan" is just a pun.

Since then, Min told a media outlet on the 26th that `After winning the provisional injunction against the interim shareholders' meeting in May, negotiations have been made to accept money from Hib, but he refused because the money was not his purpose. Due to Hive's obstruction of work, Newzins' fan meeting and album production in Korea have been suspended.

In response, Hive has never proposed a negotiation proposal that " (to former representative Min) "I'll give you money, so get out." It is absurd for us to make such absurd and false claims in media interviews."

Meanwhile, an extraordinary shareholders' meeting will be held on October 17 to re-elect Min Hee-jin's executive director.
